Chapter 10

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Jun stopped hearing the distressed whine from the omega beside him, he quickly turned reaching out to hold him, before hesitating and dropping his arms to his side.
"What's wrong?" The concern was evident in his voice, but his face remained void of any emotion.

"Tennie is going to be so mad at me." The alpha huffed in frustration, who was this Ten guy and why was his mate so concerned about him.

"What are you too like courting?" The alpha all but growled, but Minghao's laugh cut him short.

"God no! He's my brother. Ew me and Ten? Absolutely not." The two's conversation was cut short as they heard arguing up the path. Sharing a glance they continued on.

"Get away from me you crazy alpha!"

"Come on, I've never seen you before. You from Jeon's pack?" Jun rolled his eyes at the slur in the alpha's speech, he knew exactly who it was.

"Johnny leave the poor guy alone-"



The two stared at each other before Ten narrowed his eyes. "Where's Sicheng? I told you not to fuck this up!"

Minghao threw his hands in the air, "Oh yea because you were doing so much better than me!"

"Well at least-"

"Enough!" Jun rubbed his forehead and frustration set it. "Both of you are coming back so we can short out what to do with you. And you." The alpha growled taking the flask away from Johnny's loose grasp.

"Don't need anymore of this shit." Johnny cried as it was chucked into the woods, likely to never be seen again.

The two omega's quietly followed behind the fuming alpha. "Children, literally children I'm dealing with here."

Ten nudged the other with his elbow, "this is your mate?" Minghao looked over to nod.

"Yep.." Surely they wouldn't be killed by his alpha...Right?

"I believe that should do the trick." Jungkook stood back and looked at his work. It was beautiful. Jisung's mother's body was strung up with barbed wire cords. The wires tied around her neck wrapped every inch of her body. The scene was one of pure horror. The beta wolf was covered head to toe in blood.

Luckily she was dead to experience the pain.

The omega wolves covered their eyes in horror at the sight, while the alphas watched in amazement at the work of their leaders. Jungkook chuckled as Jaehyun grimaced. "Well Dad you out did yourself this time." Jungkook wiped away a fake tear, "Isn't it just amazing that your father still has it?"

Lucas watched the fresh blood drip from the neck of the ugly wolf and gently fall from the tip of the wolf's finger. His face was blank and showed barely any emotion. Jaehyun looked towards his brother in law with concern.

"Lucas, aren't you happy with the outcome of this?" Jaehyun watched closely as Lucas scoffed a bit, a smirk forming on his face. "Yeah, this is what this bitch deserved."

Jungkook slapped the back of his son in law, "But why the look of distress boy? The bitch is dead! Let this be a warning to anyone in this pack that would rather be strung up then treat everyone with respect."

The other pack members hollered at the old pack leader's statement. Everyone agreeing this was not a sight that they wanted to see ever again.

Mingyu still stared at his brother, whose expression had not changed in the slightest. "Lucas, there is something wrong. Explain what it is." Lucas chuckled darkly, "There is nothing wrong brother. This is perfect."

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