Chapter 6

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Haechan woke up, the bright light shining through the window. The strong comforting smells roamed throughout the room. He looked over to see his mate fast asleep. Then he felt a small movement beside him.

The tiny omega snuggled closer to Haechan, his eyes puffy from crying. Haechan brushed the hair out of Chenle's face. Haechan wanted to be strong for his son, but sadly Chenle was making it hard.

It had been almost two weeks since Jisung had come over and everyday Chenle became more and more sad. He was constantly clinging to Haechan or to Lucas. Haechan loved it, but it still broke him. Lucas shifted and turned to face Haechan, his eyes squinting.

"Haechan baby, your smell is suffocating." Lucas tried to open his eyes fully but he was struggling. "I'm sorry Lulu. But Chenle hasn't slept in his own bed since Jisung was last here. Not to mention he was up all night crying."

Lucas looked at his son who was snuggled up so tight to Haechan, he was almost hidden. "I just don't know what to do Lulu. I'm trying but.."

Lucas sighed, "Maybe...maybe Jisung-"

Haechan glared at Lucas, "Do not say that Jisung just left him. I'm scared Lulu. What if something bad happened to him?"

Lucas got up slowly, trying not to wake his son. "Well Channie, I'm sure he is not dead if that's what you are thinking."

Haechan rolled his eyes, "I know Lucas. I'm not saying he is dead, but you remember all of those bruises and cuts he always had? What if-"

A small whimper could be heard as the smaller omega sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning Lele." Chenle slowly got up and walked out of the bedroom that his parents were in. He just wanted to get his ducky stuffed animal and cry.

Lucas followed his son into the living room. "Chenle baby. We need to talk."

Chenle ignored his father as he searched for his stuffed animal. "Chenle. Look at me please." Chenle looked at his father and glared at him. "What?"

Lucas sighed and slumped in the chair. "We need to talk, baby boy. Your mother and I don't like seeing you this upset."

Suddenly a knock sounded at the door. Lucas got up and opened it, seeing his father in law standing on the other side.

"Sorry to interrupt so early, but I need to inform all of you that we will be having a treaty dinner in a few days. This will require your attendance."

"A treaty dinner? Since when does our pack make treaties with other packs?" Chenle moved in between the two alphas' legs and latched on to his grandpas who picked him up immediately.

"Since Jaehyun thought this would be the best idea considering we have to include Mingyu's pack for our most recent affairs." Chenle snuggled into Jungkook's neck, the alpha smelling the sadness.

"Great. So are you going to tell my omega that he has to plan another meal and huge dinner that he only has two days to plan for?" Jungkook laughed, "Nope. All you. Mine is about to ring my neck."

Jungkook sniffed Chenle's hair, "Why does my grandson smell like this?"

Lucas sighed, "The past few weeks have not been the best. His friend Jisung hasn't been over to play."

Jungkook scoffed, "What is Jisung's last name?" Lucas shrugged, "No clue. The boy didn't even know his own parents' names. This seemed really odd." Jungkook frowned. "I know every single wolf in this pack Lucas. If this boy is hurting my grandson then grandpa will take care of it."

Jungkook rubbed his nose in Chenle's hair as he sat him back down. "I'm sure we could figure it out. Or maybe you could pay the family a visit? You know to check up on the boy."

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