Chapter 12 - Missing

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All I could think about was Ava and Mia even getting out of bed to begin my day seemed pointless since I could barely concentrate on anything other than their disappearance. Ever since I got home from Crystal Cove all I could think of was 'If I was home would, where I should have been. Would they still be missing.' 

We were supposed to meet up yesterday for a sleepover, but I had totally forgotten about our plans and next thing I knew Shaggy was telling us that Ava and Mia had gone missing on the day they were supposed to be with me. 

"Daphne." My mother slowly opened the door as she poked her head out to look directly at me. 

"Breakfast is ready." Her voice was soft and timid, "I made pancakes and Beignets." 

She knew the one thing that could always pull me out of bed was food, I was a lot like Shaggy and Scooby in that way. Even though I don't necessarily have the stomach to consume as much as they do. 

"I'll be down in a second mom." I said as she nodded, closing the door behind her. 

I groaned as I practically dragged myself out of bed, feeling a nauseating amount of pain begin to rear its ugly head in the corner of my mind. 

'Where are they?' I asked myself, heading over to my desk scrambling to find Advil in hopes that taking one would immediately cure my already growing headache. 

"There you are." I whispered under my breath pulling the box out from under my English Lit book. 

Trying to pull myself together I put the Advil in my pajama pants pocket and made my way downstairs so that I could quickly eat something before taking the tablet. 

My mind was a raging wildfire filled with questions that needed to be answered, and while trying to answer one question another just seemed to keep popping up. This time the one that stuck was 'Where are Mia and Ava?' 

"You look terrible." Donna chuckled watching me trot my way towards the kitchen. 

"You look great too." I grumbled, narrowing my eyes as I went to take a seat at the table. 

"Here you go sweetie." My mother laid my plate in front of me, on it were three pancakes drizzled in syrup with a dollop of cream on the top and next to it a beignet covered in honey and powdered sugar. 

"Thanks mom." 

I didn't waste a minute before digging in, since I had skipped dinner last night and the only thing I had eaten yesterday was a cone full of Ice Cream, to put it short I was starving. 

Through the pounding in my head I could hear my mom and Donna talking about Mia and Ava's disappearance. This was most probably a topic of discussion in every household in Coolsville at the moment, especially since something like this had never happened before in this town. 

Ever since that night at Landon's party things in our town had felt different, and almost unsafe. A feeling that I had never felt about this town before. This once joyous and lively town began to feel like something out of a horror movie. 

"Do you think they're still alive?" Donna's comment snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Why would you say that, of course they're alive." I stated, even though in the back of my mind I had been doubting that they were, I knew that all I could do right now was hold onto hope. 

"I'm not saying that they aren't Daphne, I'm just saying that with cases like these changes can be seen as slim." 

"The Sheriff is Ava's dad, I'm sure he won't rest until her and Mia are back home." I pulled out the box of Advil from my pocket, took out two tablets, threw them both in my mouth and flushed it down with a glass of water, "They'll be fine." I said once more before getting up from the table and heading off back to my room. 

From the Diary of Daphne BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now