Chapter 22 - Unanswered Questions

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I looked at her with narrowed eyes, how could she have possibly known that I wanted to see her? I watched as a wicked grin found its way onto her face, a part of me wanted to break through the glass and wring her neck while the other part of me wanted to run and hide.

"I have questions."

"And you need answers?"

I took in a breath, "Yes."

She puckered her bottom lip, "Honestly I thought that delicious friend of yours would come with, what was her name again?"

I shook my head, what did she want with Velma? Yet another question my mind wanted answers to, guess I would have to add it to the never-ending list, "Can we just get to the reason why I wanted to see you in the first place."

"That reason being?" Emilia struck me with an evil smirk.

"I have the strangest feeling you know already." I cocked a brow.

"You want to know where the mirror is, don't you?" Emilia giggled quietly under her breath, "Problem is that if I tell you then it'll spoil all the fun."

I narrowed my eyes leaning closer to the glass that separated the two of us, she was playing a game of cat and mouse and at this point, I was tired of playing, "Look, it's not like you're going to get out any time soon so you might as well fess up and tell me where the hell you hid the damn thing."

Emilia leaned closer, her face stiffened, "I broke it."

I gazed at her for what felt like hours, there's no way she broke the mirror, "You're lying."

"Maybe, but how would you know."

"Because I-I-why would I believe anything that comes out of your mouth?"

"I could tell you the truth but that doesn't mean you have to believe me."

"Well, then it's a good thing that I don't."

"Why are you so sure that the mirror isn't destroyed?"

Because I can feel it, ever since that night at Mr. McCullen's house I've been hearing whispers, more so than usual. It started when Taylor died but since that night it has gotten a whole lot worse to the point where I would start seeing and hearing things that aren't there. I know the mirror isn't broken because it calls out to me like a siren calling out to sailors right before they lead them to their death.

I shook myself back to reality, "That's not the point, but if you aren't going to tell me where it is then have fun rotting here alone."

"I'm not alone."

Those three words kept me seated, "What do you mean, who would come to visit you, the entire town knows what you did."

You forget that Caitlin still has a few people who love her, like her brother, for instance, he comes by almost every day to check up on his little sister.

Sometimes the fact that Emilia has taken control of Caitlin's body goes over my head, the real Caitlin didn't deserve this, and neither did her family. Sadly it was just a classic case of the wrong person wrong time. I didn't want to imagine how her family was dealing with all this, especially her mom who was in the running for town mayor but has since dropped out after news broke that her daughter was helping a criminal.

I wonder if Caitlin was still somewhere in there.

"The doctors think I have some weird case of Stockholm syndrome, that Mr. McCullen somehow brainwashed me into helping him, I'm playing along, of course, the sooner I get out of here the better." The thought of her getting out any time soon sent shivers down my spine.

"You girls have two more minutes." I looked over at the cop who watched us carefully, I nodded in understanding.

I looked back at Emilia, "Can I just ask one thing?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Is it over?"

"Is what over?"

"The game, no more innocent people are going to die, right?" I was scared to know the answer, as far as I knew they still had two more bodies to sacrifice from what Velma found out thanks to those papers and books she took from the bunker that night.

She smiled, "Well that's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot."

Before I could even say anything I heard the security guard call out that time was up and just like that I watched as the cops on the other side of the glass dragged Emilia away. I got up from my seat and made my way to the exit door, I had this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong.

"Daphne, what are you doing here?" I looked back to see Shaggy's brother, Kenneth walk up to me, "What are you doing here?" He asked.

Shit, the last thing I needed was for him to mention to Shaggy that I was here, "Hey Kenneth, I was just looking to talk to someone." I watched as he furrowed his brows in confusion, "I'm doing research for the school paper, and I needed to interview a cop." I lied.

He nodded in understanding, "Oh cool, I'm a little hurt that you didn't ask me." Kenneth joked.

I smiled, "Next time I guess, but I've got to go so I'll see you later." I began to walk to the door right before I felt someone grab hold of my hand; I looked to see Kenneth once more.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked with hopeful eyes, I bit my bottom lip, Sure.

He led me to his office which was quite small and not at all as big as Sheriff Revelli was. It looked just like the ones you'd see in the movies, down to the suspect board behind him, I noticed that It still had the faces of the then missing girls on it as well.

"What's up?" I asked taking a seat by his desk.

He sighed, "Is Shaggy alright?"

My heart melted, he wanted to know about his brother.

"Shaggy's fine, why do you ask?

He dragged a hand through his messy hair letting out a deep breath, "He's just been a little off lately, he barely talks to anyone anymore, he barely sleeps and he just seems a lot more closed off."

I gave him soft smile, it can't be easy trying to look after a whole family at only 22 years old, and my heart went out to him.

"The reason I'm asking you this is because I know he's your friend and I just want to know if my brother is okay, I know he doesn't think I care but-"

"He does, trust me he does." I cut him off, "I'll try talking to him today if you want?"

"Would you?"

"Sure, also Shaggy has been through a lot ever since that night, maybe all he needs is some time to just come to terms with everything."

Kenneth nodded, "You're right, it's just that the last time I saw him like this was when our parents died."

I took hold of Kenneth's hand, I'm was sure everything was fine, sometimes all someone needs is time.

A moment of silence filled the air, but the moment was cut short when I got a text from Velma that read – S.O.S



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