Chapter 14 - Four More

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Every headline around Coolsville read : 


Four more girls from Coolsville have gone missing, the police have issued a town wide search for the missing teens. Not a single stone will be unturned until the girls are brought safely home. If anyone knows anything about where they are or if they have seen them please alert authorities immediately. 

The townwide lockdown will remain up until we find whoever abducted the missing teens, for your safety keep your doors locked and your eyes open for any suspicious activity. 

Our once safe and peaceful town had turned into a house of horrors and instead of burying my nose in schoolwork I was at home because classes had been canceled due to a mandatory parent teacher meeting that was set to take place. 

My skin tingled with curiosity, I couldn't get my mind off the now 6 missing girls in Coolsville. Where could they be and who was the one behind their strange disappearance? 

'It must be connected to the Lady in the mirror.' This one thought kept making its way into my brain, I was sure that there has to be some supernatural reason for all this. Everything that has happened thus far has a supernatural explanation, so why wouldn't this. 

Making my way out of bed I went to get my Diary which sat hidden at the top shelf in my closet under a pile of old clothes. I then went to my bedside table, opened the drawer and pulled out the key to open the book. 

Taking a pen I flipped to an open page, I hadn't written in this book until recently - simply because I thought I didn't need to - but now whenever I did it felt as if I was able to put all my thoughts and all my feelings into one neat and orderly fashion. Writing about everything that has happened has felt calming, and for just a few minutes while writing I feel like I can  finally take breath, before I re-enter the chaos that is my life right now. 

Dear Diary 

It's been two and a half weeks now and four more girls have gone missing since Ava and Mia's disappearance. The town has been in complete and utter paranoia ever since all of this has started happening, honestly being in that state of constant fear might be good for us, it will keep us alert. It will force us to really take a good look at our town and the people inside it. 

Ever since school has started it seems like all I've been doing is getting myself into situations that don't involve me, but instead of leaving and pulling myself out of these risky situations I choose to stay because I have never felt more myself than when I'm solving mysteries and uncovering strange phenomena. It's like a drug to me, even though I know I shouldn't, I still do, that's why Velma's coming over today so that we can try to figure out together what happened to the missing girls. Fred and Shaggy drove over to Crystal Cove today to find out more about the Lady in the mirror, per my request. 

Fred…I hadn't spoken to him much since he had told us everything about his past…simply cause I needed time to really let it sink in. 


My attention shifted from my Diary once I heard a knock come from downstairs, 'Who could that be?' I questioned as I set my Diary to the side, slid on my slippers and made my way to the front door. My sisters had left for work this morning and they were only supposed to be back at around 2, and my mother was at the parent teacher meeting. 

Before opening the door I looked through the peephole to see a familiar face, I wished I didn't. 

I opened the door to reveal the ever so egocentric Dylan Fairland. 

From the Diary of Daphne BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now