Chapter 15 - Good At Goodbyes

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Dear Diary

Today is the day I say my goodbyes to the late Taylor Hill. I have no idea how to act, nor do I know how to feel, she was such a huge part of my life and after finding out that she wasn't even who I thought she was, it felt like a bullet to the chest. 

Her parents had a small family gathering to honor her a few weeks ago and from what my mother had told me it was family only. So now Coolsville high is having a ceremony at school to commemorate her. Her mom asked me if I could speak about her today and say a few words on her behalf since she still believes that we were best friends, I said yes, but only because I didn't want to let her down since I promised to help her plan the funeral but due to everything that had been going on I had to decline. 

Anyway, I better get going. 

I took my Diary and placed it in its usual hiding spot as I went to look at myself in the mirror, I wore plain black heels with my hair plaited into a side braid and donned a simple black dress. Since this was a small town Coolsville High had invited the whole town to commemorate the life of Taylor on the school’s football field. 

I looked down at the table in front of me and took hold of a letter I had written in preparation for today about Taylor and placed it in my handbag before heading out. 

It wasn’t long till we had left the house, we barely said a word to each other in the car, Donna sat in the passenger seat while Dorothy was driving and my mom sat at the back next to me holding my hand tightly, sniffling into a handkerchief. 

I understood one hundred percent why she was so sad, firstly because she continuously asked herself how she would feel if it was Donna, Dorothy or me and secondly because she has always had a soft spot for kids and teens alike, she couldn’t imagine how heartbroken her parents were and then there's the fact that she's known Taylor just as long as I have. 

When we got to school we were immediately ushered by the school principal and a few other staff members to the bleachers, rules were still pretty strict when it came to gatherings, especially since they haven't found the creep who kidnapped the girls yet. 

All around the field were pictures and collages of Taylor. Honestly, it was extremely beautiful, each picture frame was aligned with white roses, while candles and teddy bears were placed in front of the urn, I wasn't aware Taylor was cremated so I was taken a back to the sight of the interacit ceramic vessel.

The more I looked at the arrangement the more my heart ached, as much as I didn't want to I missed her. 

People began to come in slowly filling up the field, I looked around to see if Shaggy, Velma or Fred were among the lot but sadly I couldn't spot them. They had promised me that they would be here today, so I hoped that they'll stay true to that promise. I needed them here more than anything. 

“We should go and pay our respects.” My mother took my hand as I nodded in response with a tight lipped smile. 

Making our way towards Taylor’s mother and father - who you could tell by the redness in their faces and the pain in their eyes were heartbroken by their daughter’s death - I took in a deep breath, trying to steady myself. 

My sisters had already paid their respects and had gone up to the bleachers to keep my mom and I a seat. 

I watched quietly as my mother gave them each a hug muttering the words, “I’m sorry for your loss.” To each of them, still sniffling into her handkerchief.

When it was my turn I walked up to them with a caring smile on my face, “Morning Mr and Mrs. Hill, I’m so sorry for your loss.” 

“Thank you Daphne, and thank you for coming, you meant the world to our Taylor.” Her father said his voice was deep and heavy. 

From the Diary of Daphne BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now