Chapter 13 - Awake and Scared

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Dear Diary 

It had been a week now since Ava and Mia had gone missing, the whole town had been on edge since their disappearance last week Saturday to the point where Sheriff Revelli had set a town wide curfew for 9:30pm.Just like a lot of people in this town I'm slowly starting to give up hope that we would ever see them again, but I hold strong and wish for the best, if not for the Sheriff's sake then for Velma's. 

She's been cooped up all alone in the museum basement for the past week trying to figure out what happened to the girls, I call to check in on her everyday but it's like talking to a ghost. Her voice sounds empty and weak. Probably because she's starting to lose hope too. 

It's not like Velma to ditch school, but a part of me is happy that she did since nobody wants to hear constant whispers and chatter about how your girlfriend may be lying dead in a ditch somewhere flooding the hallways. In other news the school play which was set to be Carrie : the musical had been postponed till later this year due to budget cuts at the Drama Department, first the Golden Gossip and now this, the cast list hadn't even been put up yet so who knows which character I got anyway. 


I lifted my pen off the page, my hand quivering. It was 5:00am, I had been sitting on the edge of my bed since 4:30am unable to sleep. 

Awake and Scared. 

I had a feeling that something was gonna happen today, something bad, but I don't know what it could be. That feeling left an eerily wicked feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

Getting out of bed I went to get my phone which sat charging next to my heart shaped night light on my desk. Making my way back to bed I opened WhatsApp to see if anyone on my contact list was awake. 

"Fred." I mumbled under my breath noticing that he had updated his status 3 minutes ago. 

'Why' s he up so early.' I thought, going into his chat to send him a text. 



Hey Fred, what are you doing up so early? 


I should be asking you the same question. 

I'm at the hospital with Shaggy, Kenneth and his Grandpa. 


Why is everything OK? 


Yeah, the doctors are saying that they are going to keep her for a little longer to run more tests just to make sure that she's set to go back home. 


Have you guys been able to see her yet? 

How's she doing? 

And how's Shaggy coping? 


Shaggy is doing as well as he can at the moment, he asked me to come with him since Scooby isn't allowed in the hospital, you could tell he really needed a friend. 

His grams seems like she's doing a lot better than the first time we came in to see her. 


From the Diary of Daphne BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now