Chapter 19 - Eyewitness.

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"What do you mean you can't get hold of Velma?" I asked looking over at Fred who shrugged, "That's exactly what I mean Daph, she isn't picking up her cell."

It's been two days and nothing, myself along with the great of the gang have worked endlessly on trying to get hold of Velma. We even went by to the Dinkley household but her parents said she didn't want any visitors. A part of me understood why but another part just kept wondering why she didn't want us around, if my heart was broken I'd wanna be around people I care about, but I guess we aren't all the same and we all grieve in different ways.

I kept thinking about how Velma was always there for me and always checked in when Taylor died and I felt guilty that I couldn't do the same.

"What about Shaggy, do you know when he's going to get here?" I asked as Fred lifted his gaze from his phone up to me.

"Yeah, he's on his way," Fred assured me as I sighed in relief.

"I hope he managed to get hold of the autopsy results, that way we'll be able to at least try to make a connection between our ghost and the kidnapper," I said pouring a fresh cup of tea in my cup.

"Hit me up too please," Fred said handing me his cup as I did what he asked then handed his cup back to him, "Here."

"So, what did you find?" I inquired taking a seat next to Fred who shrugged, "Not much, other than the fact that Octavia died in 1776 and was born to Ruth and Keller St Clark who were one of the original founding families in Coolsville."

There was a moment of silence between the two of us before a lightbulb went off in my head, "The Coolsville library." I mumbled.

"What about it?" Fred looked at me with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes, "I'm sure we can find more information about her at the Coolsville Library, they keep dozens of old records and books stacked away there for safekeeping, and because she's a part of the founding families I'm sure they must have something about her." I quickly got up off my chair and made my way to the dining table where I grabbed my dark purple coat and bag, "Come on, let's go, we can ask Shaggy to meet us there!" I called out to Fred who gulped down the last little bit of his tea and made his way towards me in a hurry while slipping on his distressed jean jacket in the process.


Like Shaggy, Fred and I tracked our way up the stairs towards the front entrance of the Library a cool breeze blew its way past my face sending chills down my spine, "Remind me why we had to meet up here again?" I heard Shaggy mumble.

"We might be able to find more information about Octavia here." Fred said before I could mouth out an answer, "Sometimes I wish we could just investigate a McDonald's or something." Shaggy huffed as I jokingly rolled my eyes as a smirk made its way onto my face.

As we made our way through the doors of the library the smell of books mixed with Lavender and coffee made its way to my nose as I breathed in the homey aroma, and for a split second everyone just disappeared.

"We should split up, that way we could cover more ground." Fred pulled me back to earth as my attention snapped towards him, "Right, ok let's do it." I said as I gazed over at the dozens of shelves filled to the brim with books, 'This definitely won't be a cakewalk.' I thought to myself as I made my way down the book Isle located at the far left of the Library. I went in scouring for a few books to try to find out more about the founding families or anything related to Coolsville history but all I got was a bunch of teen fiction books that I couldn't be bothered to worry myself with at this moment. Usually, I would devour a good teen fiction novel but I had more pressing concerns that rendered my mind useless to anything else.

From the Diary of Daphne BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now