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Esmay woke up in the middle of the night with an intense cramping pain in her stomach, she tried to just turn over and go back to sleep but the pain got worse so she thought getting up out of bed and walking about might alievate the pain, when she stood up she really wish she hadnt as waiting for her in the bed was blood not lots but enough to send panic she hurriedly looked at her pyjamas to find her once yellow and white striped pyjama leggings were now slight stained red.

Esmay panicked unsure what to do, she went to the one person, the one person she counted on her whole life, the one person she could run to when she needed advice and the one person who she would run to when she had a nightmare and could calm her down.

With every step she made out of her room the pain got worse, the worse csse was playing over and over in her head she needed help. Her twins needed help.

Esmay opened the door to the room she was distracted with the pain that she didnt even check to see who was in ghe room, if anyone was in the room or if she was in the right room.

"Mer, mer something is wrong like really wrong, it hurts and" before she could finish her sentance Esmay moaned in pain she had tried to hide it but the pain was to intense now. The light was then flicked on.

"Esmay whats wrong?" Derek asked sitting up, Esmay was shocked she didnt want to worry him.
"Derek, im sorry, its all fine, im going to find Meredith" Esmay told him as she tried to walk away but the pain.

"Shes at the hospital" Derek told her getting out of bed.
"Okay, Lexi" Esmay suggested her next person.
"Working too" Derek smiled as he got changed.
"Working too" Derek told her standing up walking towards her ready to help.

"I will sort this go back to bed" Esmay said trying to sound confident convincing him but then another wave of pain washed through her the most intense it had been she clutched her bump as Derek wrapped his arms around her.

"We are going to the hospital dont argue your in pain lets go" Derek instructed her as he guided her to the car.
"Have you got your phone" Derek asked calmly as Esmay started to riffle through her pockets then her hand hit her phone, she pulled it out waving it at Derek who then took her phone getting a quick questioning look.

"Im going to call the hospital then Theo so they can be ready for us" Derek told her as he started to dial the hospitals number.

"Hello Seattle Grace Mercy West ER department Doctor Grey how can I help you?"
"Meredith or Lexi its Derek"
"Derek its Meredith. Whats wrong?" Meredith asked staying calm till she knew what was wrong.
"Esmay, she woke up with severe pain it seems to be getting worse and theres some blood on her pyjamas. Im bringing her to the ER NOW. Can you have Arizona waiting for us please and a guerney" Derek instructed.
"Okay. I will page Arizona now what about Theo?"
"Calling him next" Derek informed her.
"Okay. Is she okay?"
"Shes terrified meredith, shes shaking shes scared" Derek told her looking at Esmay who was pale no colour in her face and shaking he knew that this wasnt anything to do with the pain but the fear of the worse case.
"We will see you soon" Derek said to meredith.

"Thank you derek" Mereidth spoke as she put the phone down.

"Meredith and Arizona will meet us at the ER i am now going to call Theo" Derek informed Esmay as he got his shoes on and found the car keys, Esmays only response was a nod.

"Hello, Esmay you okay?" Theo answered the call half a sleep.
"Theo its Derek, im taking Esmay to the ER shes in pain. Meet us there" Derek instructed as he helped Esmay into the car.

"Okay im on my way now, can I talk to her" Theo asked as he passed the phone to Esmay.
"Hey Theo" Esmay tried to say cheerfully, hiding her pain and fear from him.
"You okay and be honest with me" Theo asked knowing she was masking her pain to protect him.
"What if im losing these jelly tots what of im just not meant to be a mum, mine wasnt perfect, no mum is but what if the world is telling me i shouldnt be a mum" Esmay cried into her phone.
"No Esmay dont think that you will be a mum to these Jelly tots and you will be the best mum, you will bake cakes with them, you will show them all the disney films, turning them into Disney geeks like you, you will watch them take their first steps say their first word, first day at school, last day of school you will get to watch that happen, cheering them on the loudest. You will be the best mum ever. Lets just take one step at a time at the moment just focus on getting to the hospital, then we will focus on getting you from the car to the ER then we will focus on the initial assessments then we will focus on the diagonisis okay"
"Okay" Esmay agreed. "First car journey"
"First car journey. I will be at the ER with you, you will not be alone. I love you Esmay"
"I love you too" Esmay said back as they both hung the phone up, Esmay breathed trying to focus on the car journey like Theo told her.

Esmay then noticed that Derek had driven pass the hospital car park confusing and scaring Esmay.

"Derek, not that Im criticising your driving but we just went pass the hospital car park" Esmay noted.
"We are going straight to the ER, you cant walk"
"You cant do that"
"I work here i can and I am" Derek firmly said as he stopped the car outside the ambulance bay.

As the car stopped outside the ER so Meredith, Arizona and Webber who were waiting for them jumped into action running to the side of the car.

"She needs an guerney" Derek told them as he opened the door.
"I dont need a guerney I can walk" Esmay firmly spoke as she took a step out of the car trying to prove she could walk but as she took a step the pain shoot through her and she collapsed as Derek caught her.

"Guerney now" Webber instructed as they all helped her on to the guerney.

"I liked these Pyjamas" Esmay moaned to Meredith who smiled reasurringly at her sister.
"We can get you more dont worry" Meredith told her as she was wheeled into a trauma room.
"I know but they got more comfier the more i washed them" Esmay told her trying to keep her mind off the intense pain.
"We will wash them constantly till they are comfy" Meredith reassured her.

"Oh my god Esmay your favorite Pyjamas" Lexi shouted as she ran in.
"Told you they are my favorite and everyone knows" esmay told Meredith wide eyed, Meredith just laughed it off shaking her head.

Then they could hear someone shouting outside the room "where is she, wheres My girlfriend, Esmay, Esmay Grey where is she?" It was Theo shouting.
"Go get him" Esmay pleaded with one of her sister.

Lexi popped her head out of the door waving at Theo "theo shes in here" Theo ran towards Lexi to Esmays side.

"Esmay, oh Esmay I was so worried i wished i could have been there from the start" Theo told her lovingly.
"I know I know" Esmay said as he kissed  her forehead trying to reassure the two of them.
"Do we know whats going on?" Theo asked her she just sadly shock her head.

"Well Theo shall we get your answer" Arizona asked pushing in an ultra scan.

"Shall we see those babies" Arizona smiled as she placed the jelly on her stomach and when she saw the two babies healthy she sighed in relief and spun the screen round to show the nervous parents.

"Our jelly tots i see them" Esmay smiled laying her head in relief on Theos arm who kissed the top of her head. "Our Jelly tots, so whats causing the pain the bleeding?"
"Braxton hicks" Arizona smiled knowing that this was good news to the pair.
Esmay started to laugh in relief "braxton hicks that was all"
"Yeah your body is getting ready" Arizona explained
"But the bleeding" Esmay askednhoping that the bleeding wasnt overlooked.
"Its happens sometimes" Arizona answered as Esmay finally sighed in relief but carried on laughing.

"Im so sorry I was just convinced this was it but they are okay" Esmay apoligsed for her weird and probably inappropriate reaction.
"They are perfeft" Arizona told her. Laughing now too.
Not long after everyone in the room had caught the laughter then started to leave.

"Hey you, we have healthy twins" Esmay told Theo again as he just nodded kissing her forhead but before stnading back up he hovered over her for a split second looking at the bump where their twins were growing his twins and he knew that he wanted to be there everystep of the way, every scare, every happy moment he wanted to be with his family..
"Move back home" fell out of Theos mouth.

Meredith was in the door way she was shocked at the question, she knew that Theo wanted her home but they were restarting the relationship, wasnt it to early to move back in, she wasnt sure what Esmays answer would be and she had got use to the idea of the twins living with her she was looking forward to it.

"Theo" Esmay tried to speak but she was cut off.
"Before you say no listen I wasnt there for you tonight when you needed me, someone else had to bring you, i had to calm you down over the phone I couldnt hug you to comfort you I had to wait, i had to run round here blindly not knowing what i was going to be meet with, it was horrid, our home is not the same with out you  its empty its quiet i want you home" Theo tried to persaude her but her mind was already made up.
"Theo" She smield.
"Esmay please just think about it''

Esmay took Theos hands in hers getting his attention.
"Theo listen yes. Yes i will move home" Esmay smiled as Theo jumped in celebration then kissed her.

Meredith walked away she didnt feel Esmay was making the right choice and that they would be back to where they were are in a couple of weeks.

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