grocery gone wrong

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Xiaojun's POV

I woke up in the sound of the 6 am alarm that we always set up for Logan every morning but a miracle happened today as I saw the baby still sleeping peacefully. I sighed in relief and turned off the alarm. laid back down to face Logan.

Aigoo! NCT really made you tired yesterday!

Can't blame you tho. You're such a cute angel...

But the only thing that bothers me is you look like Lucas! Is that man even sure that he's still a virgin?!

But come to think of it, why was he given to us like that? They should've taken him to a more better place than here...

There's nothing to worry, right? Now that Logan is here, he is safe.

"Don't worry, baby. We'll take care of you. You have us." I kissed his small hand lightly and smiled. I closed my eyes as I went to sleep again.

*riiingggg riiingggg*


*riiingggg riiingggg*


[ A/N: Not me thinking of Ring Ding Dong by Shinee 😃 ]

I groaned at the sound of the doorbell and my phone ringing. I got up and saw a missed call from Lucas' mom, figured I should call her later. I suddenly thought I woke up in a different room due to all these stupid anniversary designs.

"Funny how my clean and tidy room turned like a motel room. Eww..."

I carried Logan who is now staring at me and thank heavens he's not crying! We went to the living room and saw Lucas unlocking the main door, still sleepy.

The next thing I knew, Lucas was pushed down to the floor when the visitor applied too much force as they opened the door. It's Yuqi! She look so pissed that she could murder anyone in this house. What makes me even more scared is when Yuqi saw Lucas on the floor, she hits him multiple times using her purse.

First of all, I don't know what's her relation with Lucas— like is she his girlfriend or past relationship? Because I'm in trouble, I mean 'we' are in trouble if someone finds out Lucas and I are under in a fake engagement! I think I remember seeing an article about Lucas and Yuqi's dating rumours before...

Hell, I don't know! I've seen millions of his dating articles involving different women everyday!

'Why is Lucas such a freaking casanova?! God, this is stressing my soul out!'

"You *hit*  little *hit* shit! ARGH! I'M SO MAD AT YOU!" She kept hitting him and Lucas shields himself using his arms, still on the floor.

"Ow! Yuqi, what the hell?! Why are you suddenly hitting me!" He cried. I took a step backward to give them room since Logan looks like he's about to cry seeing his dad hurt.

"BITCH! Why didn't you tell me you made Xiaojun pregnant?! I should've been there when he was giving birth! It's the most special day and you didn't even invite your best best friend!" She complained which made me stop in my tracks.

"WHAT?!" Lucas and I reacted in unison. Yuqi finally acknowledged my presence. Her frown is immediately replaced with happiness as she saw me carrying a child.

"Awwie! He's so cuteeeee!" She pinched Logan's chubby cheeks. The baby flinched and he hides his face in my neck. She pouted and turned to look at me.

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