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Xiaojun's POV

I'm not sure if the world suddenly changed or Lucas is acting like a soulless, cold guy since yesterday! I may not the best observant but I know he rarely acts cold unless he have big problems to deal with! I'm always the first person to hear his rants and we'll both talk about it along with some jokes to lighten up the mood for a bit. At the end of the day, he'd still smile and encourage himself to stay positive, that's the normal Yukhei would usually do.

But to tell you, it has been 24 hours since I last saw him smile! Also, he's not yet telling me his problem! What the actual fuck happened to him?

"I'm out for practice." Lucas coldly spoke without looking at me and left through the door quietly.

Oh my God

This is getting worse! He is really not Lucas!

He'd usually say anything to annoy me before he leaves! Like saying goodbye along with the endearment "hon" or "honey", and he'd always reminds me to come in his game but he didn't today...

Did some evil spirit possessed him to act this cold?! You think I should hire a priest?!

I heard Logan whimper in discomfort. I could only sigh and rock him to stay calm. Even this baby is worried of him! I guess I really need to consider praying for Lucas' soul.

"Don't worry, Logan. He'll be back to his old, 'full of sunshine' self, soon... I hope so." I comforted unsurely.

I forced myself to enjoy with Logan alone but the baby keeps demanding to see his dad. As if I didn't have a choice, I defeatedly continued my way to watch Lucas' game live at the arena. Surprisingly, many people came today because it's the semi-finals already. It's so crowded that I had to fight for myself just to get a fucking seat. It's a do-or-die honestly.

The dreamies wouldn't dare to leave the apartment because they still feel threatened after Jisung's encounter with the Black Ace; while the 127 hyungs feared nothing as if they aren't the most wanted criminals right now. Taeyong even kidded they're willing to be the dream's bodyguards. Since they don't want to waste any time in their vacation, they all went for a trip out of town instead. Leaving us, WayV, preparing for the game finals.

A few minutes of eating popcorn with Logan, all players are now warming up and testing their shots. That's the cue for the fangirls of both teams to squeal loudly, and the drums playing. My eyes quickly landed at Lucas along with the WayV members. They're laughing. He's laughing.

Good to know he's getting... positive?

How... how did he manage to laugh with them like he didn't act like cold prince earlier?

Does he really have a problem? Or I am the problem? Did Lucas have a problem with me?

"I told you, he's just jealous." I almost jumped from my seat when I saw Yuqi beside me.

If not the neos who's suddenly appearing, it's Yuqi! Seriously, do they have a power of teleportation or something?

"Yuqi! What are you doing here? And why do you look like a stalker?!" I frowned. She's wearing black hoodie and sunglasses, her curly locks showing on her sides.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the front row? Lucas' family is in there!" She pointed in a pissed tone.

"He didn't give me any pass or some ticket to the front. It's not so bad here anyway." I shrugged as I nonchalantly played with Logan's small hand.

"No! You shouldn't be here with me! Out of all people why did we have to bump into each other?! Urgh! Why didn't it just happen before when I had a crush on you..." She whispered the last part but I still heard it.

So that's why she looks like a stalker today. She's been hiding from the 'xiaocas toxic fans' that's been threatening her lately after the the grocery store issue. It's unbelievable that Lucas and I actually do have shippers aside from the neos!

How can they fight Song Yuqi? Isn't she the President of the biggest xiaocas group they are on?

"What happened to you and Yukhei? Did you guys fight?" She my chain of thoughts

"I don't know what I did wrong. He's suddenly ignoring me." I shrugged

"God, how many times do I have to say! Your fiancé is jealous! For real!" She looked like she's gonna punch me any minute if I keep being oblivious.

"He's not—" I was cut off when Logan suddenly cried. Oh no, he must have think we're fighting! I was about to take action but Yuqi carried him instead.

"Oh myyy! Baby Logan is crying~ Come here to Auntie Yuqi~! Aigoo! Why's our baby boy crying, hmm?" She gently rocked him which immediately calmed the baby down.

The interesting part is, she set the highest record of calming Logan down in less than 5 minutes! Sorry, Taeyong-hyung, but I'm afraid someone finally beats your record.

"There, that should get your fiancé's attention." She smirked and lets Logan play with her curls.

I nervously turned my head and saw Lucas from afar staring at me, which I can tell he's not happy from what he saw. We stared for a few seconds until the buzzer rang, signalling the start of the game.

"See... things are getting possessive, aren't we?" Yuqi teasingly commented which caused my face to heat.

"He's not—"

"Trust me, I witnessed this once when it comes to his favorite pair of shoes. If he really owns something or someone, he'd stare at it from time to time. Either checking if someone touched his belonging or his belonging is with someone else."

A part of me is curious if it's actually true but at the same time, maybe Yuqi's just making colors of everything. Plus, Lucas doesn't own me. Why would I believe her? I just gave her a frown and continued to watch the game, trying to focus as possible. When the first half of the game ended, I really don't want to agree but Yuqi must've noticed all of it too. Lucas do check on his belongings from time to time. Like glimpsing at me in every timeout of the game.

After the most uncomfortable game of my life ended, Lucas' team surprisingly lost and a lot of people were disappointed. I feel the same disappointment because of the referee's bad judgement. Yangyang's on the fucking floor, almost crying from the pain he received earlier but then they said he's faking a foul! What a fucking joke!

Some believed the opponent's coach paid the referees to take a blind eye on Lucas' team and I couldn't agree more. I made my way outside the gate carrying Logan while Yuqi's nowhere to be seen. The other WayV members will probably take more time to get outside since there's a lot of fans mobbing them to take a picture. Some fans are also interacting with me and I find it a good thing since they were only a few.

"Xiaojun-ge~ I'm your biggest fan on the planet! May I have a picture with you~?" I laughed at Jackson who suddenly acted like a fangirl in front of me.

"Hey, Jackson-ge. I'm sorry for what happened the last time..." I apologized in Lucas' behalf. Now that we're in the same gate, I just hope he won't do it again.

"Don't worry about it! Yukhei can be possessive sometimes, if you know what I mean..." He winked

"Hey there, little man! First time seeing a hot player other than your daddies? What's with the stare?" Jackson chuckled as he gently pinched Logan's cheek.

"He's so cute! Dejun, he very much looks like you! Let me guess his name... Xiaojun jr.?" The older joked and I faked a laugh.

Feeling attached, Logan gestured he wants Jackson to carry him so I let him. Due to Logan's sudden cling, Jackson must've really thought he pronounced his name right— which is Xiaojun jr.

"Ge, his name is Logan!"

Why do they keep on saying Logan looks like us? I tried looking at the mirror many times while holding Logan but we have nothing look alike! People said he looks like a mixture of my skin tone and Lucas' eyes.

I kinda agree on that part since Logan has a fair skin and his eyes are round and big like Yukhei's. I was starting to doubt if 'something' really happened between me and Yukhei—

"Xiaojun." Chills went down through my spine as I heard Lucas call my name. The rest of WayV members are beside him, looking amused and even hiding a smile. Wait didn't they just lost?

"Hey, y'all! It was a good game earlier." Jackson high-fived the 6 of them and finally gave Logan to Kun since Lucas' hands are occupied, but his eyes are still on me.

"You guys did great." I sincerely greeted them

"Your fiancé's real tired from the game, Jun. Maybe a little kiss would energize him up." Yangyang wiggled his brows and my eyes widened.

What is this mf trying to say?!

"C'mon, don't say things like that. You know my Junnie is shy." Lucas immediately sided with me

"Shy? Tsk, when he went out with that Yuqi girl, he radiates a shameless cheater!"

"I bet they're faking their relationship that they can't even act sweet in public."

I heard the two ladies behind me gossip. They seem familiar but I couldn't specify where I've seen them. Okay, Dejun, your acting starts now.

"I may be shy but I'm always proud of our relationship. Right, hon?" I pouted and snaked my arm around his waist. Lucas looks taken aback while the WayV members are holding back their laughs.

"Still not convinced. He's full on words! He can't even put it into actions!"

Fuck them

Without any hesitation, I tiptoed so I can reach Lucas' face and my arms made it's way to his neck and finally— I smashed my lips into his.

Baby V • xiaocasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora