Lucas actor?

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Xiaojun's POV

"You've got exactly 5 minutes to explain, Wong Yukhei."

Here we are, standing in front of each other. My eyes are glaring at him while he's looking like a guilty criminal caught in the act. Logan is past asleep in my arms so Lucas will surely have no excuses to say just to avoid the topic. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm angry at him and demanded him to explain. I know I'm in no place to act like that because who am I to him? I'm just his best friend, not his fiancé.

"She asked for us to meet up and i-it would be rude to decline her offer so I agreed. I mean, it's been years... I expected we won't be awkward so we conversed for a while until she bought that... topic." Lucas explained

"Urgh... why didn't you just specifically told me that you're meeting with your ex? God, I..." I whispered to myself as I sighed. The latter's lips parted a little.

"Wouldn't it be weird to tell you 'hey dejun, I'm meeting up with my ex. I'll be back before dinner.' And leave just like that?" He justified and raised his brow.

"Still! You could've told me! Did you know I almost died out of—" I paused.

Should I tell him that Yuqi was there? That if she saw Li Hua and Lucas together with the thought of me being the victim, she will start a fight? OR THAT I ALMOST DIED OUT OF ANXIOUSNESS BECAUSE IT WAS A LAST MINUTE DECISION TO SAVE THEIR ASSES? I mean Yuqi is one look away after all! And Knowing Lucas, he'll probably confront Yuqi if I told him the situation so...

"Nevermind. Just be careful next time, Lucas. We are an engaged couple in the public's eye. You can't just flirt with anyone anywhere... at least, not now. We still have our image to protect." I warned instead. For some reason, I felt a pang of nervousness when he did his familiar amusing, yet teasing smirk.

"Died out of what, Dejun? Jealousy?" Lucas took a step closer which made me step back. Like a scared mother's instinct, I held Logan close to my chest.

"You know, I've been observing these days that you're really into this engagement thing. You seemed to enjoy it, aren't you?" He asked again with another step forward; earning a step backward from me.

"Are you out of your mind? Since when the fuck did I enjoy this? In case you misunderstood, I was just reminding you your role all the time." I hissed. Another step backward.

"So following me and checking if I'm flirting with anyone, a part of your role as well? Huh, my fiancé?" Lucas lightly chuckled without breaking his eye contact. I realized I couldn't take another step as my back hits the wall.

Fuck! I know I shouldn't have crossed the line!

Damn my curiosity and knowing the real tea! I think that nctea group chat cursed the hell out of me!

"W-who said I followed you there? Logan and I went to the park then we got hungry. McDonald's is full so I had no choice but to dine in KFC! I didn't even know you were there!" I half lied and his smirk widens.

"Funny how after all these years, you're still a bad liar," Lucas lowered his height and leaned his face closer to mine. My eyes widened at the sudden closeness.

"Now it's your turn to explain, Xiao Dejun. Why were you following me?"

"I-it wasn't my intention! I told you, I was j-just hungry and it was a coincidence to see you there." I managed to defend

"And eavesdrop us? Was snapping out of Li Hua coincidental too?" He raised his brow and my heart dropped.


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