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Xiaojun and Lucas are getting irritated by the baby's cry. Sooner or later, they swear they're going to jump out of the window together. Key word: together.

They're confused and stressed at the same time. They don't even have any neighbors in this apartment and their floor is literally the most quiet one on the building.

"Ugh! How can we make him stop crying?!" Lucas groaned.

'Even so, it still wouldn't help me find my jersey!' He thought

Xiaojun hesitated before carrying the baby on his arms and started to sway him gently.

"Shh... baby, please don't cry..." He cooed and Lucas just stared at them in admiration. To their surprise, the baby boy calmed down a bit and sucked his thumb while staring at both of them.

They sighed in relief. Lucas volunteered to find some clues on the basket for the baby's information and... bingo! There's a note that looks like it's been torn from a notebook, Lucas read it out loud:

'He turned 2 years old today: 7/28/2020, I'm surely hoping that he is safe in your hands. Please make him happy at all costs. He never had his first word ever, so all the firsts are onto you. Please take care of him dearly, Thank You.'

"She should've taken him to the orphanage! Does our door even look like one?!" Xiaojun complained

"I can't judge tho, maybe she's running away from someone? There could be some possible scenarios." Lucas shrugged

"Still, we need to fix this situation. The public shouldn't see us with a baby. We have a reputation," He said

"You're a famous Basketball Team Captain and I'm a famous singer that's also a part of WayV! We're still the hot topic on this country!" Xiaojun explained.

Both of them sighed, Xiaojun puts the baby on the couch while Lucas is still searching on the basket. There's some boxes of baby foods, milk and two baby bottles, Xiaojun prepares the baby's milk in case he might be hungry.

Lucas stared at the baby whose sitting in his lap. "Hmm... since he's going to be with us for the meantime, why don't we give him a name?" He suggested.

"Sure, have any ideas?" Xiaojun agrees and gives the baby bottle to the baby boy.

"Trust me with the names, Dejun. I'm an expert to this!" He smirked

"Lucas jr.!" Lucas proudly stated

"Wow, you lost my trust already..." Xiaojun rolled his eyes.

"Fine... Xiaojun jr.?"

"Are 'juniors' even reliable here in China?!"

"Not sure but he's going to be the first one." Lucas grinned and Xiaojun smacked his arm.

"Stop with your junior thingy, you weirdo!"

"Then how about you? Any suggestions?"

"Hmm... how about Luxiao or Juncas? Since we both found him though?" Xiaojun unsurely suggested.

"I was thinking of Xiaocas, actually." Lucas said as they both stared at each other.

"I like your suggestions but it's too common in our fanfics babe." Lucas said with his deep voice and smirked

Processing... 000000.5%

"Wait, we have fanfictions?!" Xiaojun's eyes widened

"Okay! Change topic!" Lucas said before Xiaojun could question him about how he knew.

'Is Lucas some kind of shipper or what???' Xiaojun thought

In the end, they named the baby boy 'Logan' since they can't think of anything else. They can't think of any chinese names because they're sure that they forget it easily.


"What are we going to do with him now?" Lucas asked while looking at Logan who is peacefully sleeping on Xiaojun's bed.

"Don't know yet but let's sleep first, I'm tired of entertaining him today. Unlike you, you're not helping me!" Xiaojun scoffed

"I'm finding our jerseys!"

"Really? Where is it?"

"I can't find it hehehe..."

"Tss... lets call Kun and the others tomorrow. Maybe they'll give some good suggestions that could help us." Xiaojun was about to go to his room but Lucas grabbed his hand.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lucas asked

"I'm going to sleep in my room, idiot!"

"No you're not, you're going to sleep with me."


So how do you guys like this so far? :) sorry for the short chapters huhu :(

Please stay safe always !!!

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