127 + Dream uncles!!!

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"I think you whispered so low, could you repeat that?" Xiaojun leaned closer that he's at the edge of his seat.

"He said you and Lucas should pretend to be an engaged couple!" Yangyang yelled and Hendery shushed him.

They noticed just now that Logan is fast asleep in Sicheng's arms and Sicheng felt so proud about it even though he didn't do anything.

"What is this, a cliché drama? You'll set us up and thought we'll be happy together blah blah and the second thing I know is one of us will be cheating and I'll cry and everyone will cry—" Xiaojun was cut off

"Eww! Where did you even get that?" Ten frowned in disgust

"Uh... in some dramas?" Dejun raised his brow

"What's the title?! I'm starting to like the plot!" Hendery exclaimed and Yangyang agreed.

"Yah! Can all of you be serious here?!" Lucas scolded


"So what's the name of the drama?" Lucas asked Xiaojun, getting interested at the story as well. Everyone pushed him playfully.

"Argh! It doesn't matter! The point is, I don't think a single soul will believe our fake engagement, Kun-ge. Everyone knows we're just bros." Xiaojun stated

"Yeah... just bros." Yangyang sipped his tea.

"Where did you get that tea?" Lucas asked, pointing at the tea.

"Isn't that yours?" Hendery asked

"We have no tea in our house." Xiaojun frowned and Yangyang chokes.

"Aish, back to the topic! I'm sure everyone will believe. We're in a world where all genders are equal and sexualities are accepted." Ten spoke

"Yeah, don't worry about the haters. We'll be the one to support and we always got your back." Winwin smiled

"But doesn't it look like we really adopted Logan?" Lucas raised his brow

"Some male can get pregnant in this world now. That'll be your excuse to the media while Lucas' parents will prepare the adoption papers privately." Kun assured

"How are you so sure that his parents will handle it? Did they know already?" Xiaojun frowned

"Yeah, I told them through FaceTime. They understand our situation and said they'll be glad to help if we need it." Lucas answered

There's a moment of silence... until Yangyang figured something.

"Kun-ge, you mean men can get pregnant in this world, am I right? Then between Xiaojun and Lucas, which one of them will pretend they have been pregnant?"

"Of course it's Dejun—" Hendery was cut off by Xiaojun

"Why me?!"

"Because you're a bottom...?" Winwin stated obviously

"And who the hell said that?" Xiaojun fought back

"Xiaojun, baby, no one will believe your fake engagement if people thought you made Lucas pregnant because you top." Ten admitted

"In short, it's more believable if Lucas-ge tops and you bottom." Yangyang said. Xiaojun groaned and Lucas have been blushing the whole time.

"So, do you both agree with our plan?" Kun asked, everyone looked at the two of them. They first exchanged glances and turned to look at Kun.


"Let me add up that I am NOT in favor of being pregnant by Lucas!" Xiaojun demands

"Sure, but you don't have a choice anyway." Ten smirked.

Soon, all of their phones dinged a notification.

"Ugh, team practice again?!" Lucas groaned

"Huh? You're leaving? But the company called me and said I have a rehearsal today!" Xiaojun frowns

"Why don't you bring Logan with you?" Yangyang asked

"I can't just carry a baby with me! He's not yet ready for public appearance."

"Then who will be with Logan?" They all asked... and Hendery got an idea.

"How about we call our 127 hyungs? They're here for a vacation in China, right?"

"Yeah and Dreamies too, but who should we call?" Ten asked

(note: NCT 127 and NCT DREAM are idols in the story.)

"How about all of them?" Winwin suggested

"No!! The last time they all went here, they almost set the kitchen on fire!" Xiaojun tried not to set his tone high for the sleeping baby.

"Yeah and the man that repaired our kitchen before freaking scammed us! We had enough trauma." Lucas spoke

"Fine, we'll call Taeyong and Taeil then." Kun got his phone and dialed them.

WayV only asked for 2 responsible people but what came knocking on their door are 14 loudass men. Just like Ten expected, All 127 and Dreamies are present in their attendance.

WayV promised them to tell everything after practice and the boys are looking forward to it.

Keep streaming Make A Wish everyone!!! Stay safe out there :) x

                                          — stylin_edwards

Baby V • xiaocasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora