talk show!

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Xiaojun's POV

"Yukhei, hurry up!" I knocked the door to his room as I scolded. We're getting late! What's taking him so long?! I've already prepared everything and ready to leave!

I mentally groaned when I heard Logan whimper and Lucas annoyingly telling the baby that he had no choice but to dress him with the clothes I gave earlier. Getting impatient, I opened the door to check on them. My jaw instantly dropped.

A shirtless Lucas carrying a pouting baby who is still in his diapers. Good fucking gracious! He looks like a hot single dad who is struggling to raise his baby and I'm here to the rescue!

"Dejun, can you please help me with Logan?" He stressfully pleaded.

"I— That took you for an hour?! Aish, give him to me and prepare yourself now!" I grabbed Logan's clothes and dressed him up without any problem. He's just calm. Meanwhile, Lucas looks stunned.

"Thanks, Jun. What can I do without you..." He sighed while staring in my eyes. It got me taken aback.

W-what the fuck is he saying?

What I did was just nothing...

"Without me, you'll struggle living with Logan." I flicked his forehead instead and left the room along with Logan. As I closed the door, I exhaled the breath that I didn't know I was holding.

"Aigoo... your daddy really knows how to make me nervous." I whispered to Logan and walked away.

Third Person's POV

"Everybody, let's welcome our hottest basketball daddies! Lucas and Xiaojun!" The host exclaimed with her highest energy possible and the audience cheered.

The couple were petitioned by the fans to be invited in a famous talk show. They have no choice but to come. Good thing they aren't late.

"Oh my! They bought a little one! How cute!" The host squealed. After a few laughs and greetings, she began asking questions.

"So when and how did you start your relationship?" She asked

"We officially started dating 4 years ago... we're living in the same apartment ever since 1st year college so we got really close." Lucas said

"So you proposed to him last last week, if I'm not mistaken. It is also revealed that you have a baby! I will apologize in advance for this sensitive question but, did you adopt the child or—"

"We got excited this one night on our anniversary and... yeah. That happened..." Xiaojun is quick to explain meanwhile, Lucas is holding a laugh.

"Oh my! Is that why you left basketball? Because you got pregnant?! Ah! It's starting to make sense now!" Everyone clapped their hands and cheered once again. Lucas couldn't hold it anymore as he laughed along with the audience.

'Didn't I mention a hundred times that I quit because I want to become a fucking artist!' Xiaojun thought but he gave an awkward laugh instead.

'In this situation, why the fuck am I again the pregnant one?!'

"Come to think of it, many people are in favor that the baby looks like Lucas. Any thoughts about it?"

"I hear that a lot actually... There's no doubt that Logan actually came from Lucas." I gave a pointed look at him. Lowkey telling him that maybe he is the father of the child.

"I'm aware of the fans' opinion but in reality, Logan and Xiaojun are really attached to each other like an actual mother and son figure." Lucas stared back which caused the fans to squeal loudly for being "too sweet on cam" just because of the stares. Xiaojun swears he heard a familiar dolphin sound somewhere.

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