cherry bomb

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Xiaojun's POV

"I don't get it how Logan easily gets tired with everyone! While in the normal days he's with us, he'll stay wide awake not until we're asleep." I ranted.

He is now in deep slumber whilst in my arms and Lucas is carrying all the grocery bags. We finally arrived inside the apartment and Hendery's sisters as well as Yuqi already went home but before they left, they secretly (or that's what I thought) gave me a white opaque plastic bag with small boxy things inside. I have no clue what's inside so I decided to ask Lucas, in hopes this belongs to him.

"Hey Lucas, is this yours?"

"What's that?" He frowned

"Yuqi gave me this earlier—" I didn't get to finish my sentence as he instantly snatched the plastic bag and hid it behind him.

"R-right! I asked her to um... to buy me vitamins! Y-yeah, for the whole team." Lucas stuttered which made think he's suspicious.

"Are you sure?" I raised my brow and he just nodded.

"Of course, g-good night!" Then he ran away to his room, leaving me with the groceries.

"Hey! You have to help me with these groceries!" I tried to keep my tone in case I might wake Logan.

"God, they bought so many items that all of this won't fit in the cupboard." I sighed

"Logan, say 'Papa'!" Lucas tried for the nth time but the baby is still focusing on his toys. It's his turn to entertain Logan while I cook us breakfast.

"Go, Lucas! Fighting!" I laughed because he looked so hopeless teaching Logan his first word.

"This is so hard! Ugh! I don't even know how on earth my parents made me speak my first word!"

"Just keep on convincing Logan... It'll work soon." I assured. Lucas got up and grabbed a piece of cookie from his cookie jar. He faced it to Logan and the baby had his full attention now.

"Baby... if you listen to papa, you'll get this cookie as a reward, okay?"

"Say 'Papa'!" Lucas spoke slowly so the younger could follow.

"P-pa..." As I heard Logan started to speak. I quickly turned off the stove since I'm done cooking and took a video of them for remembrance of his first word.

"Yay! You can do it!" Lucas cheered

"Pa—" Logan was cut off by the sound of the TV playing in front of them.

"Ppallippalli pihae right Cherry bomb, feel it yum!
Ppallippalli pihae right Cherry bomb, feel it yum!"

"What the hell?!" Lucas and I groaned. Now Logan's attention has been fully taken by NCT 127's Cherry Bomb music video played by some music channel.

"Noooo! Logan, focus on papa!" Lucas made the baby sit on his lap but his eyes are still in the TV, mesmerized at the members' performance.

"And if 'Ppalli' will be his first word instead of 'papa', then now what?" I joked. I sat down in the couch, watching till the mv ends.

"I think it's a sign that he'll be a part of NCT when he grows up." Lucas rides in the joke which made chuckle.

"Yeah, the 500th member." I scrunched my nose as I agreed. Finally, cherry bomb ended and I expected Logan to continue learning but I was wrong.

"More of NCT 127! Up next, Highway To Heaven!"

"Oh, hell no!" Lucas immediately searched for the remote to turn it off while when Logan heard the word "NCT" he gets excited again.

"My body—"

I switched off the TV soon as I saw the remote. I regretted it but the same time I was glad. I regret because Logan started crying and I'm glad because that song is certainly not for kids!

"Stop crying, baby... Here! Just watch NCT Dream's 'We Young'." Lucas grabbed his phone and played the music video. Much suitable for Logan than Highway To Heaven.

"Don't be late, alright?" Lucas reminded me one last time. He's in front of the door and ready to leave.

"See you at the game, baby!" He carried Logan and spoiled him with a lot of kisses. He turned to look at me before giving Logan to me.

"And see you, honey." I rolled my eyes at him

"What? You want me to kiss you too?" He teased

"Do you want to get beaten up?" I glared

"Chill, Dejun! Is it your time of the month today?"

"Just get the hell out of he— wait! You forgot something!" I walked upstairs and grabbed the plastic bag, the one he called as 'vitamins for the whole team'.

Aish! Yukhei is so forgetful! How can he forget this?

"Hey, Yukhei! Catch!" I motioned him to catch the plastic bag I'm holding. His eyes widened.

"Dejun! I—" Before he could finish, I threw it to him and he reached his arms to catch it but someone outside the door pushed the door open and hit him. That made Lucas stumble. The things inside the plastic bag scattered on the floor.

"Ayo Captain Lucas—!"

Everyone went silent.

All of us froze on our spot.

All eyes are widened.

Holy shit, Wong Yukhei...

Lucas' POV





"Um... nice choice of condoms there, Lucas." Hendery awkwardly commented

Well thanks, bro. Your sisters fucking bought it for me.

"Uh huh, you can have your safe sex later but we need to borrow Lucas today. We're really late for practice! Hope you don't mind, Dejun!" Kun immediately pulled me outside and the rest bid their goodbyes to Xiaojun.

May the heavens spare a lot of blessings to Kun-ge! He's truly a life savior!

Except his words are just...

Anyway, this should be my last goodbye because I'm certain that I'll never come home ever again.

Fuck! I'm too embarrassed to face Xiaojun!

This is Wong Yukhei, now signing off...

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