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Xiaojun's POV

It has been a week since we kept Logan. Everything's fine but the problem is, we can't attend our work because we're focusing on Logan. Lucas have a scheduled practice and needs to be responsible since he's the team captain while I need to be present everyday from work.

NCT 127 and NCT Dream are still in vacation but of course we don't want to bother them. Lucas and I thought that they're here to have a peace of mind and free from work, and not to get stressed about taking care of Logan.

We're so thoughtful, right? We're such good friends.

And they gave us enough food supplies and things for the baby's needs. I'm even starting to doubt if all of this are just coincidence... but when I asked Lucas about it, he said all of this is fate and he does nothing but to keep it that way since there's really no way out but to keep Logan.

Yeah right, "fate". And this is what fate has been doing to us for the past week...

Morning call at 6 am


"Mmmh..." I scrunched my eyebrows irritatedly but the noise kept on going.

"Lucas..." I called so that he can make it stop.

"Yah, Lucas..."

"UWAAAAHHHHH!" I can't take it anymore and woke up. My eyes widened at the sudden realization.

Logan is crying! AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

"YAH! WONG YUKHEI, WAKE UP!" I shook his body and Lucas frowned at his sleep.

"WAKE UP, LOGAN'S CRYING!" I think I shook him too much that he fell on the edge of the bed. He groaned in pain.


I carried Logan and started to sway him gently but he won't stop crying. Lucas scratched his head and went beside me.

"Maybe he's hungry?" He frowned. We quickly searched for any food available for the baby but there's nothing.

"Logan, please stop crying..." Lucas scratched his head irritatedly. Then, an idea suddenly popped in my head.

"Ah! You said you bought cookies, right?" I asked

"Yeah, what about i— NO! Not my cookies! Don't you dare touch, not even an inch, in those cookies!" He warned as if his cookies are the most valuable thing in his life.

"Aish! Just spare some for Logan so he can stop crying!" I demanded unbelievably and he hesitated for a moment before giving his cookie jar in defeat.

To our surprise, Logan enjoyed it so much that he ate all of the cookies remaining. I think it broke Lucas' heart into millions of pieces that he called WayV this instant to buy baby stuffs for Logan.

"Cookie thief..." Lucas mumbled as he frowned at the smiling baby.

The cycle repeats until the both of got used at the time. We made an alarm at 6 and even scheduled to sleep early as possible.

Diaper Schedule

"Xiaojun! It's your turn!" Lucas called and I feel like something is not right...

"Wait, didn't I change his diaper yesterday?"

"It was me! That's why I wore a facemask while I was changing his diaper, remember?" Lucas came, carrying Logan with him.

Baby V • xiaocasWhere stories live. Discover now