surprise !

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Third Person's View

As time quickly passes by, the Xiao family have safely arrived in the Wong's residence. Everyone welcomed them with warm hugs and greetings. Xiaojun rarely cries, but seeing his family after 2 years definitely missed him a lot. He just hope Lucas wouldn't tease him for crying or else he'll murder him in his sleep.

"Oh my! Your baby is so cute! He looks so much like Yukhei!" Mama Xiao cooed at Logan, who is being carried by Lucas.

All of Xiaojun's tears suddenly want to retreat back when he heard his mother compliment the baby. He panickedly look at Lucas to see his reaction and he's the same.

'Didn't they know that Logan was adopted?' Xiaojun thought

The couple both looked at Lucas' parents for an explanation but they only shook their heads.

'What was that suppose to mean?!' Lucas frowned

"Xiaojun, why didn't you tell us you're already dating Yukhei? It was like yesterday when I last saw you guys killing each other off." Xiaojun's brother commented

"Guess the saying 'The more you hate, the more you love' must be true after all." Papa Xiao gave out a playful grin. Lucas and Xiaojun could only send an awkward laugh.

"When are we going to let them know?" Xiaojun whispered as he went to Mama Wong. Lucas followed behind since Logan is bonding with the Xiao family on the living room.

"Boys, I'm sorry but I'm afraid we shouldn't tell them..." She looked at us with pity which confused them even more.


"Grandma! Grandpa!" They heard Xiaojun's brother call with enthusiasm.

Xiaojun rarely see his grandparents because they're always out of the country. Then he found out out his grandfather is the founder of a successful company that's why they are really rich. He heard his grandparents are business partners with the Wong's and his parents have connections with Lucas' parents that's why they're close.

Lucas and Xiaojun are THAT tied to each other.

"Hello, dear. How is everyone doing?" Grandma Xiao greeted. Just as expected, both of Lucas and Xiaojun's grandparents are present.

"Is this the little boy? Goodness! He looks like my boy Yukhei!" Grandpa Wong chuckled

"You're mistaken, he looks like Dejun! Where have I put his baby albums again..." Grandpa Xiao scratches his head

"Of course, he looks exactly like his parents." Mama Xiao eyed Xiaojun and Lucas who are lowkey troubled right now.

"There you are, boys! I heard you're already engaged. When will you mark the marriage?" Grandma Wong asked

"Um, we haven't thought about it. We're both busy at the moment." Lucas awkwardly laughed

"Well, that better not take long. We just dropped here for a vacation. You boys better decide soon because you will get married this year."

"THIS YEAR?!" The two couldn't help but react.

'No way! Things happen too fast in a year! We can't get married like this!' Xiaojun panickedly thought

"Yes? Is there a problem?"

"N-no... It's just, isn't it too fast?" Lucas stuttered

"Nonsense, child. If it's true love, nothing wouldn't be too fast." Grandma Xiao said

"I've been seeing your articles recently and I am not happy about it. You're not faking the relationship, aren't you?" Grandpa Wong asked strictly.

They admit, grandparents can be really scary sometimes. Disappointing them would be the least Xiaojun and Lucas will do.

"Of course, we're not! The media can be... um, homophobic at some times." Xiaojun strongly denied and held Lucas' hand for support. The latter just nodded.

"Good. Then the marriage will be this year, end of discussion."

NCTEA IN THE HOUSE (spill the tea or else you'll get bass kicked swinging like I'm Bruce Lee)

Lucas: we're getting married

Lucas: and y'all arent invited

Xiaojun removed Lucas

Xiaojun left



dundundundun :)

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