Finding the host club

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Hinata and Ren are new to Ouran High School Academy. They just transferred from Ouran High School. Hinata and Ren are 3rd year students and they are girls. Before they movied some of there exbestfriends decided to cut their hair short. Ren and Hinata were walking with the chairman to their class. Mori and Honey just happened to be in their class. They are also 3rd year students. Hinata and Ren are commoners so they don't have uniforms. They walked into class with baggie t-shirts and jeans. "Class, we have two new students Hinata and Ren Fujioka." "Hello everyone I'm Ren and this is Hinata." Ren said while looking at the class. "There are two seats open. I'm so sorry that they aren't beside each other." the teacher said in a sad but kind voice. "Its okay!" they said in a unison. Hinata sat by Mori and Ren sat by Honey. Hinata looked at the mysterious high school male and said," H-Hi. I'm H-Hinata. What's your name?" "I'm Takashi but you can call me Mori." he said in a low voice. "Hi I'm Ren, what's your name?"Ren said quietly. "I'm Mitsukuni but you can call me Honey." he said in a cheerful voice. As class went by Hinata and Ren were ready for it to be over.(Hinata and Ren are trying to hide their identity's because they are spying on their cousin Haruhi for their uncle.) Hinata didn't want to hide the fact that she was a girl, but Ren said they had to. When Hinata snapped back to class it was over. Ren was tapping on her shoulder," Come on Hinata let's go study." "Okay!" Hinata said cheerfully. They walked through every library and every classroom. There was no quiet place to study. Then they came across Music Room 3. "How about we study in there Ren?" Hinata asked in a curious voice. "Okay Hinata." As they walked through the door they did not expect to stumble upon a..... HOST CLUB!!!!!

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