He's not ruining my life

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"I'm glad to see your well you little bitch."
I turned towards the voice and there was a man standing in the door way.
"What are you doing here?" Ren hissed at him
"What can't I come visit my daughter in the hospital?"
"Adopted daughter" I spat.
"Same thing you ungrateful little bitch."
"Don't talk to her like that!" Takashi said.
"Oh look who it is the bitches little boyfriend."

I can't believe he is here. I know he's not here to see me. He has always wanted me dead hints why he tried to kill me.   I motioned for Takashi to come over.

"Don't say anything you won't regret bitch." The awful man said.

"Is that the only word you know?" Honey said. Wait where did he come from. I thought he was still in the waiting room.

"What is it Hinata?" Takashi whispered to me. I motioned for him to come closer. He came close enough to here I could feel his breath on my neck.

"It's him. He did this. Him and Ren's father. He kidnapped me while Ren's father hurt me. I remember now." I tell him with tears in my eye's. 

The next thing I know police were in the room and the awful man was being taken away. Then within the hour they found Ren's dad in the middle of a lake. They ruled it suicide. 

~Two weeks and 6 days later~

"I can't believe we are graduating!" Ren exclaims. 

"Me too!!!" I tell her. Its been almost 3 weeks since I was in the hospital. Most of my cuts are healed and all my bruises are gone. Finally I am graduating highschool and can go to college and live my life with Takashi. If we are still together in the future. 

Ren, Honey, Takashi, and me walk to the graduation seats that were supposed to sit in. It seems like forever till they call any one of us.

"Mitsukuni Honey Haninozuka" Honey walks up and gets his diploma. With a strawberry cake. Really Honey I thought Ren took that away from you. I shake my head and giggle. 

"Takashi Mori Morinozuka" I smile as he walks up the get his diploma. He stops on the stage and smiles at me then walks off. I wonder what that was about. I'll ask him later.

"Co-Valedictorian Ren Fujioka" Ren walks up there and gets her diploma and sit's in one of the seats for Valedictorian. I wonder who the other one is. Since I was in the hospital when they announced who would be Valedictorian and no one would tell me who it was. I have no clue.

"And our other Valedictorian is.....Hinata Fujioka" ME?!?!?!?!?! I walk up to the stage and get my diploma. Still shocked by what just happened I go and sit by Ren. 

"Thank you all for coming. I am so proud of these young students. Now if you would like there is an after party in the ballroom and please congratulate each and every student you see here today. They have worked so hard. Thank you."

After the principal's speech we all through our hats in the air. So happy that we finally made it.

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