Looking for Ren

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Hinata's POV:
They started a search party? "I shouted because I needed someone to come with me..." I said while staring at Haruhi.

"I'll go." Haruhi said,"S-He is my cousin after all."

As Haruhi and I started walking she looks to me. "Why are you and Ren hiding the fact that you guys are girls?" She asked

"Well we really aren't trying to hide it. We aren't going to wear dresses. We were picked on by people from our old school because we always had boyfriends. So we are pretending we are boys." I explained.

"That makes since I guess."

What we did t know was Mori was following us. We had no idea that he was. We walked around till we here a radio playing. Haruhi and I looked at eachother,"REN!" we shouted. We ran in music room 2. There was Ren sitting on the floor eating chocolate pushing buttons on the radio. There were a couple of guys in the room with us.

"You play a mean radio Ren!" The man said making eyes at her. " Man, do you want to come here with us after-school on Mondays and Fridays?"

"I would love to! As long as there is chocolate." Ren said happily.

"Ren lets go it's time to go home." I told her while glaring at the guy flirting with her. He doesn't even know Ren is a girl.

"But Hinata I want to stay here with Kio." She pleaded.

"Ren come on. We have a uniform for you. Plus Kyoya needs to talk to you" I said trying to get her to come.

"Fine, but only because of the uniform. I'm tired of wearing these clothes." Ren said quietly."Bye Kio!" I'll see you later!"

"Bye Ren! See you later!" Kio said with a smile. I think he is gay.

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