Hinata and Mori

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Hinata's POV
I ran into my room crying. Why did they make me think about the horrible things. The boys at my old school always wanted to get me alone with them. They were horrible. I locked myself in my room away from everyone else. I herd a knock at the door.

"GO AWAY!!!" I shouted.

"No" the voice said. It sounded like Mori.

"What do you want?" I said standing in front of the door.

"Are you alright?"

"Do I sound like I'm alright?" My voice was shaky from all the crying.

"Can I come in?"

"Please?" I opened the door and Mori came in while hugging me tightly. I managed to shut my door so no one else could come in. Mori and I sat on the bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Sure..." After I told him about all the horrible things people used to do to me. He was holding me. I didn't know how to react. So I just put my head on his chest and cried. When I looked up after crying for was seemed like hours. Mori was washing my tears away. Why is he so nice to me? Does he like me? Oh that's the reason he kissed me. I feel stupid.



"do you like me?"



"because your different than other girls"

"is that good?"


After that I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. I looked at my mirror and saw my messy makeup.

"I'll be right back."

"where are you going?"

"I need to fix my makeup"

"why don't you just take it off?"

"okay but you may not like it"

I walked to the bathroom and took off my makeup. When I walked into my room Mori was on the phone standing beside the window. I sat on the bed waiting for him to get off the phone. When he hung up he turned around and looked at me.

"Mori? Is something wrong?"

"No it's just your beautiful." I started blushing like crazy. He sat beside me and looked at me.



"Can I kiss you again?"

I nodded. When our lips met it wasn't short and sweet. It was long and passionate. We sat there kissing practically making out when we herd a knock on the door.

"Hinata, Mori are you guys still in there?" it was Haruhi.

"Yea but we are coming out." I said getting up

"let's go" Mori said getting up



"before we go back to the others I have something. To ask you."

"What is it?"

"Will you go out with me?"


After that we walked back to the others hand in hand.

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