Ren with Kyoya

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I walked over to Kyoya as I got back from changing. Everyone nodded their heads in approval. Kyoya was standing off to the side writing in a black note book. I heard from Haruhi over the phone that these guys came to her house. Thats scary. I stuck some of the left over chocolate that Kio gave me.

"So, you wanted to see me?"

"Yes. You... "He looked up then quickly back down. "Well, the Twins want to go over to your house. I am just a messenger. But I think you should just get things in order. If you know what I mean."

"So stuck up!" I shoved a chocolate down his throat. "Almost as sweet and bitter as me. Dark chocolate is the best."

"I don't particular like sweets. But as you know Honey-sempia does."

"Maybe I don't want to hang with a kid who's older than me but shorter."

"Yes. You are unusually smart for a 2nd year. But I guess taking 3rd year classes aren't as hard for you. Then that means you can help me with the paper work."

"Fine. Fine. Bye Kyo! Love ya! Almost as much as Naruto!" I walked back to Hinata who in return started walking home.

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