The others

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Tamaki's POV~

I've never seen Kyoya and Moro like this. They have always had a serious face with an occasional smile now and then.

I can't help but think about Haruhi. She is so scared, so I reached out and held her hand. She looked up at me and gabe me a weak smile. I notice the prickle of tears in her eyes. I need to do something to get her mind off of things, but she's not the only one on the virge of tears.

Mori and Kyoya are. Everyonce in a while Hinata will say something about a train crash. Ren keeps mumbling something about a fire. Kyoya was holding Ren's hand and putting some chocolate on the bed side table. Mori was holding Hinata's hand but had nothing with him. The doctor said they should wake up in a couple of hours.
"Hey Haruhi?"
"What is it Sempi?"
"You want to go on a walk on me?"
"Sure. Where are we going?"
"You'll see." I tell her. Then we left.

Honey's POV~

I walked over to Takashi to almost see him in tears. I have to comfort him!
"Takashi?" I say looking at him. He doesn't look away from Hina-chan.
"Is Hina-chan going to be okay?" I ask him. He still doesn't move but I hear him whisper "I hope so." Tears came to my eyes. He's in love with her. I know he is by the way he looks at her, longing to be with her. Its the same way Tamaki looks at Haruhi, or the way Kyoya looks at Ren. They all look silly but sweet like cake. Usa-chan and I are standing by the door. I hope Ten and Hina-chan are okay. I really hope they wake up soon. "MOMMY!!" I look out the door to see an excited Tamaki running hand in hand with Haruhi. I'm guessing she finally admitted her feelings for him. I sigh and look back at Hina-cha and Takashi. She had woken up and is hugging him. I smile and walk out of the room. "Time to go take care of the guy who did this to Hina-chan and Ren." I whisper to myself as I walk out of the hospital.

Hikaru's POV~

I am sad for Mori and Kyoya. They are in love. I wish I was in love. Don't tell Kaoru I said that!!!! Its got to be hard to see Ren and Hinata like this. Hinata is awake now but she is still dizzy. I look over considering I can't look at the sadness in the room. And I see the twin maids. WAIT.......THE TWIN MAIDS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Kaoru's POV~

I can't help but worry about Ren and Kyoya, Hinata and Mori, and Haruhi. They have been threw so much. Mori and Kyoya are on the virge of tears. I have never seen them like this. It makes me want to cry. Then Hikaru tapped on my shoulder.
I look where he is pointjng, standing there was....THE TWIN MAIDS??!?!?!?!?! Hikaru and I have had crushes on them since we met them.
"What are we going to do??" I ask.
"I think we should either run or act natural." he said nervously.
"Crap, act natrual they spotted us and are coming over." I say in a loud whisper.
"Hi guys" they said in unison.
"Hi" we said in unison. Her goes nothing.

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