Chapter 3 { science }

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The bell rang quickly as I quickly grab Kyle's arm, when he was off guard, so I almost tipped him over, dragging him to the science room. Room 802.

Letting go of Kyle's arm, I tell him that's this is the science class.

Walking through the door, and going to my normal seat, I see that Kyle will have to sit next to me, because my table is the only one with a seat left.

Kyle talk quietly to Mrs. Flower, the science teacher. I couldn't hear what they saying.

Then the Mrs. Flower welcomes Kyle to the class, and she tells him to find a seat, but its the one next to mine.

But Kyle gives me a big smile, then sits down to the chair next to mine.
This is going to be along day, isn't it.

Science class goes by, but felt like hours. Then the last bell rings, that means to go home. I race to my locker and put everything in my bag.

After, I walk up to the bus stop and wait for the bus.

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