Chapter 23 { Why Am I Bad At First Impressions }

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Photo of Vance and Robbie as their superhero selfs. One on the right is Justice (Vance). The one on the right is Speedball (Robbie). Oops I just told you their secret identities. Do not tell anyone or I'll kill you.


Both me and Sam jumped when a third person came into are conversation.

Scared the life out of me. Know here something you guys might be asking me, why don't I swear, I have a good reason to? Well my dear people of curiosity, the reason is why is because, no matter how hard I want to, one day I might have kids and with me it's extremely hard to get out of old habits. So if I don't start, I wouldn't have to get out of it.

A dude with long, but not girl long, blonde hair and brown eyes, I think it's to hard to tell in this light. About Sam's height. Came out of the corner, that he was hiding in the dark. It didn't take me long to realize that there was someone else there too.

I looked back to Sam to see his reaction, are this threats or not. He had a 'where did you come from, why didn't you tell me you were coming' look on his face. Ok so this people aren't threats.

Then person #2 came out of hiding. He was taller than all of us, that was for sure. He had black hair and blue eyes, I think, it's still hard to tell at this light.

Now Sam was speechless. Only "umm" "what" "why" "where" "how" and etc come out of his mouth. I hid back a laugh at his wording.

Sam's blue eyes were focused on person #1 and person #2. He wasn't at all paying any attention to mwah. Oh and before you start thinking this, I am not an attention hog.

It was just awkward silence right now.

Person #1, took notice into this and started blabbering. I took no notice into what he was staying but he was really annoying me.

"Ok, would you please shut up, I can't tell what your saying." I said, before I thought about it. I was just really annoyed by this person and I don't even know his name.

Sam finally got out of dream world and back into reality.

"Robin, this is Robbie and Vance, Robbie and Vance this is Robin." When Sam was talking, he was also playing with his black hair and making an awkward laugh. I couldn't help but stare, I find it really cute when he plays with his hair when he is nerve.

Really Sam, I can introduce myself. Well at least I now know there names.

"Hi" that's all I could say, I don't know what to do.

"Dude, how do you know a hot chick, she's to hot for you." That made me laugh, I have never fit in anywhere, and most certainly, I have never mean called hot. Everyone just stared at me funny. Great, know everyone thinks your crazy, even Sam. I could feel my cheeks getting red. Ugh.

Sam was looking at me funny also.

Then Mr. Tall, yes I know what your thinking but just don't. Started to speak.

"What did you need help with?" Said the guy, who I think was Vance. Sam didn't really point that out.

"Yah, a friend of Sam's is a friend of ours" said, who I think is Robbie. Vance didn't seem to agree but he said nothing.

"Especially someone so hot" Robbie attempted to flirt with me. Keyword attempted. I really hate when people try to flirt with me. That's rare by the way but it happens. It gets really annoying and I already get an annoying vibe of this guy.

"If I'm so hot, maybe you should stand back, I might burn you. And you really don't want to get burned." Ok I hope that was a good comeback.


He didn't take me seriously.

Time to show him who's boss.

"Oh, you think I'm joking, think again." Wahahahaha lol.

Sam took a step back, he knows me so well. Robbie and Vance just looked at each other in confusion, than at Sam. Having a 'what does she mean' look.

I opened the palm of my hand, then BAM, FIRE!!!

Everyone had a shocked face and stepped back.

I couldn't help but smirk. I'm so evil, I know.

"Woah, how did you do that?" Robbie or now someone on my unfriended list, asked.

"That's what I've been trying to ask her." Sam said so dramatically.

Apparently it's everyone stare at Robin day. Why?!?!

"Would you quite starring, if you stare at me any longer I think I might burn all your eyes out." Then BAM fire again and I waved my hand around Robbie the most.

"So... How did you get powers?" Sam asked.

"Ok to I'm not going into detail but here's it shorten."

"OksotherewasastranderinthehousethenIgotstabbedandfellintoacaveofcrystalsgotpowersmadetheavengersandS.h.i.e.l.dveryangryIdontknowhowthenIplayedwithmypowersandexplodedacanofsoupthenBeingthecuriouspersonIamIwentlookingforanswersandgotnonesonowImhere." I said so fast not even speed mouth understood me.

Don't judge me on my horrible nicknames.

I just got more confused stares. Hooray.

I was getting nowhere.

"Ok I'm going to leave, cause as fun as this is I'm bored, and I got things to do." Ok that's going to come off as an excuse, isn't it.

"But I thought you wanted help." Vance said in a questioning voice.

"Well, I did, but I think I went to the wrong place." Where is the right place.

"Robin, you can't turn down everyone who try's to help you." Sam said.

"Well ever think, I am tried of people trying to help me. I'm doing this alone. I'm not just some damsel in distress, that needs saving. I don't need anyone, anymore." I shot back, without thinking, I'm going to regret this.

Sam's face and eyes looked hurt, to what I said.

"I'm. Leaving." I shouted angrily, I need to calm down. Sam tried to stop me but he was little to late.

I ran out the front door and teleported away.

________________________________________________________________ So, hi guys. I added and adding the new warriors to the book. I'm not an expert on the new warriors and how they act, so no hate. I hope you enjoy my book and if you have any ideas that would be great, I'm having some writers block.

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