Chapter 25 { Traitors }

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Pic of Robin at the top.

><><><Don't know what time it is><><><

All I could hear was silence, it was really annoying by the why. I'm trying to open my eyes, but they just wouldn't open!

My heart is racing, I don't know if it fear, or when I got my powers, my heart rate goes faster. Maybe both.

This time, I tried moving didn't work. Am I in a coma, and just hear everything or am I blindfolded and tied to a wall?

Ok, right know I wish, I would have taken Sam's help. If I wasn't such a baby and took his help I would be out of this mess. But, nooooooo, I had to yell at him.

Why does my father have to be evil? Why my father? Why? What did he mean by plan? Why was he in PRISON!?!

I'm stuck, blind, mute, can't use my powers, and the thing killing me, is my own curiosity!

If I didn't do this alone, I wouldn't be here.

><><><><Some Waiting Later><><><><

Then I hear footsteps, that's not good.

Then it hits me like a bullet. Electricity. I felt like screaming but, show no fear.

I wake up from my daze, my eyes pop open. I stand up to look around. I'm in some jail ceil, concrete, that's empty, not even a bed, know that's mean. I can't see the other side of the wall it's just black glass. It's pretty bright in here.

I'm chained to the wall, I mean really chains, WHY? I have some sort of collar on me, that's probably what's taking my powers away.

I get another shock of electricity. It was worst than the first. I feel it flowing through my veins.

I still want to scream, by the way.

I'm breathing heavily now. I'm so out of breath. My legs are shaking, wanting to collapse. But I still stand.

The black glass door opened.

His face showed up. P.s it's my father, duh, who else would it be.

I stared at him with a 'Why? Why do this.' Look.

"Why, why are you doing this? What was your plan? Why were you jail?" I shutter. With more of an angry look.

"Well, you see my dear girl. I'm the leader of the Dark Shadows." He said at first.

I cut him off.

"So to get out of here, I just need a glow stick." I say, still out of breath here people.

My father pressed some button on a remote. More electricity came my way.

"Do not disrespect your authority, I taught you better than that." He said angrily.

Now, even if I wanted to talk, I can't. Need to breath!!

"My plan was to make a living weapon, that can destroy any enemies in MY way. So, I found someone that had super powered gens, your mother was inhuman. I had to fake who I was for so long. But know, I have my weapon, you will crush my enemies for me, and nothing will stand in my way." He said, like he finally won a video game. I stared in shock.

What's inhuman, aren't they those powered people in that mist bomb thingy? Why am I the weapon, why me?

All I do know is that my father is crazy, evil, and never loved me.

"Ja...ja... Jail?" I said very out of breath.

"Oh yes, I was in prison because I killed a lot of people and Novas." He said with no expression on his face.

Ok he's a murder. Great. Wait, isn't Sam a Nova, ummm, ok.

"Wh...why." Still out of breath.

"Because I need a weapon, with all this people calling themselves heroes, I need something just as strong or stronger. So when I found someone inhuman, I knew you would be inhuman. It's in your genes. I knew that this stage of my plan would work, me killing your mother, me disappearing, you falling into that cave, all part of my plan. But I never knew you would get as powerful as this. I will train you and you will be my weapon." He said with a smirk.

" traitor." Still shuttering.

You killed mom! You in-prison me! You say I will be your weapon! Apparently I'm inhuman!

"I...I..won'" I try to say, but my so called father cuts me off.

"Oh, don't worry, you don't have a choice. Now meet your new prison guard for the time being." My non-father said, as he laughed out the door.

Then someone none other than ,Kyle walked through the door.

That made me tic.

"You're all traitors" I barely said.

That made Kyle smile.

Why, when I get out of here, and get my hands on you and my father.

Mwahahahahaha. I'm so evil.😈 I will be updating more in the summer, just have to wait till June 30th, than I'm free. What did you think? What would you like to see?

P.s Robin is inhuman, but that doesn't say what her powers are.

This chapter is dedicated to purplepanda7 for finally updating Bucket Head. It's a amazing book.

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