Chapter 28 { Mom }

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"Can you leave us alone for a minute." My mother says kindly. I've missed her so much. All I could do was stare.

Everyone looked at Fury for the command.

"You have 5 minutes." Fury said eyeing me.

Both me, and my mom waited for everyone to leave. I gotta glance from Sam, but he was shoved out the door.

My face was getting hot and my eyes were watering.

After all this time she was alive.

"How are you alive, I thought you were killed?" I said high pitched. When every I cry or get emotional, what's not often, my voice gets high pitched.

She sighed. Very well knowing, that I would ask that.

"I presume you know who your father really is." She said.

"Yes, did you know he's a monster?" Oops shouldn't have said that.

"I didn't know the real him, until he tried to kill me."

"He still thinks your dead, how are you alive and he thinks your dead?" Questions. Oh so many questions I have.

"Your father did know I was inhuman, but he never knew what I can do or told me he knew." She started.

"Wait you have powers, how come I never knew?" I said with tear stains on my cheeks.

"Because I'm your mother." She stated.

Well that's not much of an answer.

"Soooo, what can you do?" I need to know.

"That's another story for another time." Ok, as you know me, I would still try to dig for the answer, but when it comes to mom, I never win.

"Where have you been? Why didn't you come back for me?" Somehow, I feel selfish saying this.

I looked into my mothers eyes and tears fell freely from her face.

I didn't need an answer. So instead I hugged my mother.

It's been so many years, since I've ever hugged my mother.

There are still so many things I want to say and ask but now is not the time.

After I pulled apart from my mothers grip, because I heard a cough.

I looked up to see the man I still hate. Nick Fury.

"Times up." Mr. Fury-ious said. What that couldn't have been 5 minutes.

I sighed dramatically.

"What do you need help with. If I know than maybe, I'll help you, just this once. But I want answers." I hate doing this but I'm going to have to, ain't I.

"Follow me" Fury pointed to the door.

I did what anyone would think me crazy of.

I walked right up to him. Looked him right in the eye. And I punched him square in the gut.

"Lend the way." I said looking daggers at him. Please don't tell me I'm evil.

Then I walked through the door. Like they say as 1 door closes, another 1 opens. I just haven't found that door yet.

I turned back to see Fury come out, then my mom.

"So what do ya need? I'm listening." Still mad as ever.

Fury cleared his voice. Is he scared of me?

"1 day ago. After your fight with your father, and we patched you up. We took your USB. The information was most unpleasant." Wait, What, you took my USB. " the data contained plans and blueprints for living weapons. What you also know as Shadow Knights. After the labs where destroyed. They moved to phase 3."

"Ok but I still don't see why you need me." Questions, oh how I love questions.

"Phase 3 is to start World War 3." My eyes must have lit up like a Christmas tree. World War 3!!!

"We need you to go in and stop it." Fury looked my straight in the eye.

"So to recap. You want me to go on a dangerous mission that I might not come back from. When you nearly kill me twice. Hunt me down. Try and tag me. Then kill me again or lock me up. That seems so fair." I know what's coming.

"Life isn't fair." Knew it.

"Fine I'll go, only because I need to face my father." Death glares for everyone.

Fury pressed some buttons and people superheroes faces came up.

Captain America. Speedy. Nova. Spiderman.

"This is your team for the mission." Fury glared at me.

Great. I'm teamed up with people who hate me. I'm pretty sure I knocked cap out. I yelled at Nova. Speedy just hates me. Spiderman, well I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he hates me too.

This is going to be a long day.


Hi guys, there will be about 2-3 more chapters left. I'm so excited. Summer is almost here. I have new book ideas. Also big thanks to purplepanda7 for letting me use Speedy. Want to know more about Speedy, then go read "bucket head".

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