Chapter 22 { Kaelynn!!! }

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Ok it feels like everything I do, always turns back on me. So my next plan is probably going to fail. But what else am I going to do.

I put on a pair of blue ripped jeans, then a black tank top.

Then I pulled a fake red leather jacket over my shoulders.(just because I like the look of leather doesn't mean I have enough money to actually buy real leather, plus save the animals, right.)

Next I put on fake black leather boots, that reached a third up my leg.

Last I put my hair in a high ponytail and put on my sliver locket with a robin carved into it, what my dad gave me for my 13th birthday.

Oh, if your asking where I got this stuff, I got it from when I made that trip to my house. I didn't steal so don't worry. Just because I'm on the run, doesn't mean I can't look good.

Then I walked out the door.

1 teleport later

Oh I forgot about the time zones thing. Well I hope I don't wake anyone. The stars are so pretty here.

I stand at the Alexander's door step, again. My hands are shaking for some reason, why? I'm not nervous. Am I?

I knock on the door. Once, no answer. Twice, no answer. Third times the charm, no answer. Oh well guess there not home. I turn my back to leave and...

The door swings open and little Kaelynn stands at the door. She's in a adorable set of pink pjs with her hair in two pigtails. She is just so cute, to bad I have no siblings.

"Umm... Hi Kaelynn is your brother or mother home?" I ask.

"Mom isn't home but Sam is." Kaelynn said in the most adorable voice I've ever heard. Did I forget to mention she's cute.

"Umm, could I talk to your brother than, Kaelynn?" I ask. Would she say no?

"Sure, let me get him." Then before I could reply, Kaelynn turns her head and yelled at Sam's to get his lazy butt down here. I couldn't help but laugh.

A minute later, Sam slowly but surely, walked to the front door, yawning the whole time, to see what was going on.

Sam didn't see me at first.

"Kaelynn why are you up at 1 o'clock in the morning?" Sam questioned his younger sister.

Shoot! It's 1 am. Ok, probably should have checked the time zones! Hehe well, I wonder how this is going to go.

Then Sam finally noticed me. I'm pretty sure he jumped by the way. I'm not ghost Sam!

"Hi, sorry to wake you, but could we talk?" Again with a question.

"Umm sure, come in" Sam said and then yawned. He wears a shocked face the whole time.

"Kaelynn you need to get to bed." Sam told Kaelynn. I wonder why she isn't tried. But Kaelynn did as she was told, for once. Usually it takes a whole lot of bribing. What did she do?

I walked in. Me and Sam went into the living room. We both sat on the couch, we both didn't know what to say. I turned myself to face to Sam and I opened my mouth to speak first but I was cut off. (I hate when that happens) Kaelynn popped her head out, and she said, something I didn't expect and neither did Sam.

"Hope you two lovebirds have fun!" She said very cheery. When she said that me and Sam backed away from each other about three feet. Both very shocked faces on.

"Go to bed, Kaelynn." Sam yelled at his not so cute anymore, sister.

"Ok Robin, what are you doing here? Why were the main avengers chasing you? How did you get powers? Oh and why you here in the middle of the night?!?" Sam whispered yelled.

I sighed, this is harder than I thought.

"I'm here because I need your help. I'm not completely sure why the avengers are chasing me. I got powers from some sort of glowing crystals. And I forgot to check the time zones, so that's why I'm here in the middle of the night." I hope that's enough explaining he needs, because I don't know much either.

Sam looked at me like I was a crazy person, must have said that to fast.

Then I sighed again.

"I need your help are you going to help me or not?" I said to get straight to the point.

"What do you need help with?"
So I hope you guys like the extra long chapter, I'm hoping on making my chapters longer. Would you guys like that. I know I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry, I just love reading too, I can't just write the whole time. If you guys have any ideas, suggesting, or characters you would like me to add, than comment and vote please, it would mean a lot. Also summer is coming up so more updates will happen, with more free time. Just hold on a little longer. Summer is almost here.

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