Chapter 9 { Bad First Impression }

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Ok, what am I going to do?

I slowly walk towards the avengers, why are they here? The closer I get, the feeling that it was a bad idea, gets stronger. I don't know why I don't seem to trust them, they saved a lot of people. So why don't I?

Then a thought came to mind. Before I knew it, I was running to the right side of the helicarrier. The avengers where chasing after me for sure, but I didn't dare look back. I put all my speed into my legs.

Hawkeye was shooting arrows at me, but they burned to dust as they got close to me. Black Widow was chasing me, also Captain America. I'm glad that the hulk was no where in sight. Thor wasn't anywhere also.

Some how I out ran the avengers! Sparks flew around me like it was nothing.

My plan was the dumbest thing I will ever do in my life. Even dumber then the time I jumped on my friend's trampoline, from the roof. Well this is kinda like that time, but on larger scale.

I jumped off the the helicarrier without a thought. Like I said, worst idea ever. The wind was super hard, I couldn't open my eyes. Somehow, even though I couldn't see, I just knew where everything was and that the avengers didn't follow me, because no one there could fly.

Ok ya, I'm still falling! Why do I fall so much? Well I can't really change it, can I?

I could feel the ground getting closer. Umm..I forgot about this part of the plan. Ah oh!

Then when I thought I was going to die, because I hadn't plan anything through. I stop, I open my eyes to see I was I inch from the ground. I drop down, but sparks are still surrounding me. They are getting really annoying. Then as I start to walk away from what just happened, I see the avengers, or sense them somehow. This makes me panic, I start to run as the avengers also start chasing me. I get really panicked when they were getting closer. When I was completely panicked, a blue light surrounded me, next thing I knew was I was heading straight for a tree.

Then bang, I was on the ground, almost ready to black out. Great, what am I suppose to say after this? I think I hear someone laughing. All this was for nothing, a stupid tree stopped it all. I wasn't stopped by a one- eye man, not by a bunch of armed people, not by the freaking avengers, but by a stupid tree! Thoughts buzz around my mind. Then everything slows down and gets fuzzy, until I black out.

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