Chapter 19 { Plan }

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I step outside to get a break from all that cleaning, it's not even my house! It pretty dark, good thing there's the stars and moon. Also a little cold but good thing it wasn't windy.

I walk around the forest, it was quite beautiful. I decided to take a seat on a large rock.

I looked up at the stars, they were so many stars, millions. All different, big or small, bright or dull.

This gave me time to think.

I need to know what happened to my father, why was he kidnapped, no parentnapped? Who attacked me? What am I? Why am I being chased, just for saying no, ok I didn't technically say no.

If I want answers I'm going to have to take action, but where do I start?

I can't ask my father, his being parentnapped. I really don't want to talk to Sam, it would be to weird and hard to explain, when I don't know what happened myself. I have no idea who attacked me, so how could I ask him or her or thing. I'm not asking the people who are chasing me. So it looks like I can't ask anyone.

So where could I get the info. Sam is very clueless, I could just see it on his face. The avengers would be no help, I don't know why there chasing me, there probably just following orders from s.h.i.e.l.d.

S.h.i.e.l.d is the way to go then, I can't ask them, they would lock me up or tag me, either way I don't like. The info would be on the computers, so I would have to get on the helicarrier, get to the computers, what are for sure guarded, put the info on a USB, and get out, and do it without being seen. That's no problem. Sarcasm again.

Ok let's say I do that what would I do next? Well it would depend on the information. So to start off I would need to get the info.

Wow. I just convinced myself to steel, wow.

It's getting cold, I should get back to the cabin. I take one last look at the stars and walked back lazily back. I jumped into bed.

It's going to be a long day tomorrow.

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