Chapter 27 { No Joke }

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I lay in silence. Slowly remembering, what had happened.

Then it all comes rushing back. Dad is evil. They are planing to take over the world, or something like that. I'm project Quantum. I passed out. Everything, came back.

I shoot up from the hospital bed.

How did I get here?


This is on the helicarrier!

I feel way better, than I did, when I passed out. I did pass out for a reason.

Well no ones here, so I'm going to the bathroom.

I walk to the small bathroom in the medical room. I make sure the door is unlocked, then walk in, and lock the door behind me.

I look in the mirror for the first time in weeks. Yes I did look in a window but that's not the same.

My eyes!

I blink. Making sure it's real.

They are green with blue specks. How weird is that? My eyes use to be hazel.

My hair it's darker. Why is it darker? I didn't dye it.

I got bandages everywhere. I undo the one around my head. It's completely healed. I unravel the other bandages, some on my arms, and legs. The one on my chest too.

Then I feel something on my wrist. I unravel the bandage on my wrist. There's a small cut, but it shouldn't it have healed my know? This is new!

I use the Sight of Beyond, as I call it. When you can see things, your eyes can't see. I can feel things, I can't touch. I can smell things ,on the other side of the plant. I look into my cut.

Gross I know, but I'm being safe.

There is a chip in the cut. That's not staying there.

This is going to hurt.

I dig my fingers into the cut, I want to scream again. I felt like puking, blood was everywhere. I pull the chip out.

Guess what it says.

S.h.i.e.l.d. Figures. I mean, I expected too much from them.

The cut is still stinging. Now all I can't think about is the cut. Ok, ideas just got to my head telling me I'm stupid.

I wash away the blood in the sink.

I look at the mirror again. My clothing is so ugly now. There are rips and cuts. Blood stains are everywhere. Also one part of my pants, is longer than the other. My tank top has turned black, to black and red. I want something new, and likeable to wear.

I'm going to have a shower, because who doesn't love showers. No, because I haven't had a shower in weeks, plus I'm going to use up all the hot water. Take that S.h.i.e.l.d!

><><><><1 Shower Later><><><><

After I get back into my ugly clothing, I step out of the bathroom, to see Nick Fury, Nova, a girl with red hair, mask, and white and red uniform, spiderman, and about 50 s.h.i.e.l.d agents.

"We isn't this so welcoming." I say loud for everyone to hear.

I look at Sam. He looks worried, distracted, and freaked out a little. There's something he isn't telling me.

I look at Nick, oh I can't wait to tip him over the edge of fury. Lol fury, you get it.

I handed Nick the bloody chip. He looks at me with a little hint of shock, well everyone else is grossed out and had a silly looking face of disgust.

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