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I jolt awake at the sound of banging on my apartment door. The clock on my bedside table reads 4:32am and I sigh, rubbing my face as I quickly climb out of the comfort of my sheets. The knocking gets louder as I switch the hallway light on, looking through the peephole to see Marian, my elderly neighbor.

I frown, opening the door to find she isn't alone. Harry is slumped against the wall beside her.

"Oh god." I breathe.

"He was calling your name whilst banging on my door." She says tiredly.

"I'm so sorry." I shake my head as I step out into the hall.

"Yeah." Is all she says before she walks back to her apartment, shutting the door quietly. I brush my hair back before I kneel down before him. He still wears the suit from the event, the first few buttons of the white shirt undone to reveal his smooth skin. I gulp, taking a breath.

"Harry." I shake his shoulder. He groans loudly and I quickly shush him. He smells of cologne and beer, the scent filling my nostrils as I lean closer to his face. His lips are parted slightly, long breaths relieving themselves from his body.

He begins to snore and I jump back slightly.

"Harry." I say his name again before I gently tap his cheek with my hand. He frowns deeply. "Can you get up?"

"Faye." He speaks, leaning his head back against the wall. "I'm sorry."

I shush him again, grabbing his arm and wrapping it around my shoulder. "A little help here." I mumble to him. He hums, groaning as he pushes himself up. I nearly topple over as his weight is shifted towards my frail body.

"Jesus." I breathe as we begin to enter my apartment. I kick the door shut and make my way over to the sofa, letting him fall onto it.

"Ow." He moans as his eyes remain shut. I leave him to enter the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water. When I return, he's sat up, his head in his hands. I push the water towards him and he looks to me, eyes glossed over, before taking the glass and chugging the liquid. He lets out a loud burp as he sets the glass down and I purse my lips to keep from laughing.

"Lay down." I instruct, grabbing one of the couch pillows and placing it on the cushion.

"You're so beautiful." He says softly as I remove the extra pillows, bringing his legs over the cushions before I begin to remove his shoes.

"You're so drunk." I laugh lightly and he hums a short laugh.

"I am." He nods, his eyes still on me. I take a seat on the coffee table, scratching the back of my neck.

"Why'd you come here?" I ask.

"You ask too many questions." He says, his eyes lazily jumping all over my face.

"You never answer them." I huff and he laughs. The sound makes my stomach erupt, the sight of his smile making my face burn.

"I wanted to see you." He mumbles, eyes closed. "I'm kind of surprised you didn't leave me in the hallway."

I breathe a short laugh. "I can drag your ass back out there if you'd like." I say and he chuckles, placing his arm over his eyes.

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