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I've stopped in front of an apartment building and ask if it's the right building. When she doesn't answer, I look to find she's asleep, her head leaning against the window. She was completely out of it at the interview. The situation with her mother seems to still be bothering her. I put the car in park and turn it off.

"Faye." I shake her shoulder a bit.

"No." She says sleepily and a small smile takes my face. I move her head so that I can open her door without disturbing her. I walk to the other side of the car and unbuckle her, wrapping my arm around the back of her head and under her legs.

"Trey, I don't want to talk." She says in her sleep and I frown.

"It's Harry." I say and she frowns, her eyes still shut. "Faye, what's your apartment number?" I ask, ignoring the fact that she just spoke another man's name. She leans her head on my shoulder and mumbles 124. I hurry into the building and into the elevator. I stare down at her and can't help but want to rub away that frown that takes up her beautiful face.

Who's Trey? I wonder.

She hasn't told me much about her family but from the pictures her mother showed me, she's an only child. Maybe an ex-boyfriend or her current boyfriend. She also hasn't told me about any relationships. I'm her client not her therapist. But something deep inside me wants to know more about her. The elevator dings and the doors open. This apartment building looks very extravagant and I suddenly wonder how much she gets paid for being an agent. I finally find her apartment and struggle to get the key in the door with Faye in my arms but successfully do. The door opens quietly and I shut it behind me as I enter. The place is cool and smells of her. I relax at the smell, it's her miraculous scent. I quickly walk through, setting her purse onto the kitchen counter then finding a bedroom in the back of apartment. Her room has a sort of serene feel to it. I lay her down on her bed and bring the covers up to her shoulders.

I leave the room to get some water from the kitchen. The counters are black granite, the floors a dark wood. I switch the light on, the dimness filling the room perfectly. I grab a clean glass from a black cupboard and fill it with water. If her apartment is this nice, I wonder what she thought of mine. I go back to the room and her arm is dangling off the bed. I set the glass down on her nightstand and can't help but stare down at her. There's something about her that I'm completely and utterly drawn to. I'm the moth flying too close to the flame. I never thought I'd feel this way about her, I mostly keep to myself but she brings out something else in me. I don't know what it is that I feel for her but I know I care. I sit gently beside her, pulling her arm up to her stomach and she moves softly, moaning. Another frown takes over her features. Before I can stop myself, my thumb is over the place where her frown crosses. I lightly brush it over her right brow and down the side of her soft face.

"Thank you." I whisper to her, knowing she probably can't hear me but I just want to say it to her. I almost jump off of her bed in embarrassment when her eyes slowly open, immediately finding mine. My heart beats faster, her gaze intimidating me.

"Stay." She whispers.

I don't know exactly what I'm doing but I climb over her to the other side of the bed and face her. She turns her head slowly to look at me and tucks her bottom lip.

"You're welcome." She whispers before her eyes shut again.


"Harry." I feel a whisper in my ear.

My eyes flutter open to see Faye on top of me, her golden eyes staring into mine. She's so close I can move just an inch and connect our lips. She's making me weak. A smile suddenly takes over her features, her eyes crinkling in that way that always makes me smile back, making me forget that I can't have her.

A hand twitches on mine, my eyes slowly opening to see the bare neck of Faye. It's tempting to run my fingers along the smooth skin that lays there. I lift my head, my arm is wrapped over her waist and her hand is on top of mine. She's making me feel weak. I yearn for her. After what happened to her last night, I feel worried for her. I move gently from her grasp and slowly off of the bed. I pour myself a large glass of water as soon as I'm in the kitchen and chug it. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. I have feelings for my agent, the woman whose done so much for me and my mother in just two weeks.

"You're still here." I quickly turn to see Faye standing in the kitchen entry, rubbing her head.

"Uh yeah. You passed out in the car." I don't know if she remembers anything after that. She shakes her head and frowns again, the temptation comes back to remove it. Walking towards the cupboards, she reaches up, her shirt lifting slightly and I shiver at the sight of her smooth skin. She pulls out a bottle of Advil and pops two in her mouth, filling a glass of water and drinks it slowly.

"Thank you." She says awkwardly. "For last night. It was sweet of you to bring me home."

I shrug. "I couldn't let you sleep at the gym." I try to bring some light into the mood and it works. A small smile.

"You slept here?"

"Yeah." I pause. "You asked me to stay." I say and she flushes, her cheeks turning a slight pink.

"I'm sorry, that was completely unprofessional." She winces, bringing her palm to her forehead. "I don't know what happened."

I look at the ground and smile at it. "It's fine." I don't know what else to say. She reaches for her purse and pulls her phone out. I watch as her eyes slowly widen.

"Faye?" I walk closer to her. Her head snaps up from her phone. "Last night, you called me Trey."

Her face once again flushes and I frown at her.

"Was he the one that was on your mind yesterday?" I ask, hoping I didn't sound jealous. She shuts her eyes.

She turns to me, her eyes open now. "Yes." She answers. "But not in the way that you think. I mean we did...date and..." She pauses as if she doesn't know what to say next.

"You can tell me." I reassure her.

"He left me after high school graduation without saying goodbye." She says, not looking at me anymore. "He was my first love and he broke my heart." She stops again. "That's it." She says. "He just called me yesterday and it was completely overwhelming hearing his voice again after five years."

So he's an ex-boyfriend.

"And that's why you wanted to beat me up?" I ask and she giggles at that. The sound bringing butterflies to my stomach.

"I'm so sorry about that. I was drinking and..."

"Yeah." I smile at her. "But I enjoyed it."

"In a weird way, I did too." She says making me laugh lightly. The vibration of her cell cuts the moment. Her face pales when she see the number on the screen.

"Is it him?" I ask and she nods. She grabs the phone and ignores it again.

"I can't." She breathes. Then there's a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I tell her but she follows me anyway. I open the door and there stands an equally as tall man as me. His bright blue eyes jump from me to Faye and he smiles at her. His short black hair is gelled to the side and by the look of his clothes and the leather shoes he wears, he's got money.

"Faye." He says. I turn to look at her and tears brim her eyes. I suddenly feel a surge of anger towards this man who broke her heart. I then feel Faye's small fingers wrap around me arm, stopping me from doing anything and it's as if she can read my mind.

"I'll go." I say to her and she nods. I brush past the guy and hurry to the elevator. As soon as I'm in, I'm glad to be alone because my fist connects to the wall of the elevator.


early upload and I will upload again tomorrow.

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thanks a bunch!

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