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The lights.

The cameras.

The people.

It's overwhelming and I can't imagine what thoughts are going through Harry's mind. I sit close to the stage, watching the crowd. Everyone's excited and all I feel is nerves.

Anne didn't want to be here because of her concern for Harry's life after the accident. He was upset but came to understand where she was coming from as his mother. But I know she's still watching him on tv.

The crowd begins to chant Carter's name and I sigh. Even if he says he's alright, I know Harry is struggling to focus.

I gulp. If this goes bad, everything will be different. Even if it goes well, it'll be different.

After what seems like an hour, the lights of the arena dim as drums begin to beat slowly and progress to a faster rate. The ring is dark until a single spotlight flashes down on the announcer. A mic dangles as he takes hold of it.

"How is everyone tonight?" He yells into the mic and the crowd gets louder. "I'm your host Mark Crosky of The World Championship of Boxing. Tonight we are going to witness the next World Champ. Who's ready?!"

The crowd erupts into a roar of claps and whistles.

"Let's get this party started by bringing out our fighters tonight. Now we all know the amazing David Anderson has passed away, rest his soul, but in his death comes the rising of someone who has surprised us all. Harry Styles, ladies and gentlemen."

The crowd cheers louder and I look over as another spotlight flashes down at one end of the arena where Harry enters. His satin red and white robe shimmers under the light. Mark tells the crowd Harry's height and weight as he begins to walk along the aisle. Harry pulls down his hood but keeps his head down.

He gets to the ring and steps into it along with Rick and the rest of the guys. I feel my body tense and my heart pound as he removes his robe. The bruise is barely visible but it's there and it's making me fear more than I should.

"I have to say it is pretty amazing you following in your father's footsteps. He was a great fighter." Mark looks to Harry. Harry doesn't say or do anything so Mark continues. "Now for our next fighter. Our World Championship of 2017, Carter James!"

The crowd erupts into a booming cheer of excitement and a spotlight flashes on the right side of the arena to an opening where Carter enters. His blue and white hood is down and he looks to the crowd with a somewhat smile or smirk, I don't know what to call it. He raises his arms and yells as he holds up his trophy of World Champion from last year as he makes his way towards the arena.

I watch Harry. I can see the anger on his face and I just want to tell him that he shouldn't show how angry he is. He shouldn't let him get under his skin.

Carter enters the ring.

"Welcome fighters! Today either one of you are going to become the next World Champion of Boxing or remain..." He gestures to Carter and Carter bows, making the crowd erupt into excitement again. "Alright. Who's ready for the fight of the year?!"

I watch as Mark gestures for the men to meet in the middle. My heart races with a mixture of nervousness and a frenzy.

"Fighters. Shake."

Neither of them lift a finger but I watch Carter's lip move. He's speaking to him. "Don't listen to him." I mumble to myself. Harry's jaw tenses and I curse Carter beneath my breath.

Then all too soon, the bell dings for the start of round one. My heart drops and my fingers cross instinctively. They begin to circle the ring and stare each other down.

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