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We've stayed up all night, refusing to sleep because we'd lose the time we have left together. I trace the sparrows on his chest as he runs his fingers through my hair. The sun is beginning to rise and it's only signaling us that we are running out of time.

"What do you think it'll be like?" I ask.

He hums, turning on his side to face me. "Like the scariest rollercoaster of all time." He answer amusingly.

"You're scared?" I asked, a little surprised.

He laughs lightly, hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

"What are you afraid of?" I ask, smiling as I hold him.

"I just don't know what it would be like," he pulls back and leans his head on his hand as he looks down at me. "Every fight I've had so far...I had the people I cared about most in the world near me and just being so far away..." he takes a deep breath. "It's not going to be the same and I'm afraid that would affect the way I fight."

"It won't," I shake my head. "You don't need any of us to push you because you have that inside of you. Remember this is what you were meant to do."

He smiles softly at me but it slowly disappears as his eyes avert from mine. We're both worried, things are changing too fast for us to keep up and the fact that we won't have each other by our sides anymore is definitely scary. I don't remember what life was like before him because I wasn't as happy as I was before now.

"You'll do great, Harry," I caress his cheek. "You always do."


The car ride to the airport is silent; the words wanting to be spoken being said as we squeeze each other's hands. I don't feel the urge to cry anymore, I believe I've cried too many times already. I'm all dried up.

I can feel my heart breaking, though. I can feel him disappearing slowly and I can't hold on any longer because it's inevitable. I feel sick and I shut my eyes, breathing in the air coming in through the cracked window. I palm my stomach and let out the breath.

Harry squeezes my hand once again before bringing it to his lips. I look to him, smiling forcibly. The driver slows to a halt in front of a gate before he slides his window down to speak to the gatekeepers. They nod in response, one of the signaling the approval to open the gate. The loud engines of the planes are drowned out as soon as he shuts the window again, pulling into the field.

We get closer to the jet, Rick standing with some of the crew and Anne. The car stops as we reach them and Harry takes a deep breath before he turns to me, a smile that tells me everything will be okay displayed before me. Our hands separate as we both remove ourselves from the vehicle, the soft wind whipping my hair. Harry meets me and takes my hand once again, leading us towards the group.

Anne smiles kindly at me before we embrace and Rick holds me tighter than usual. "I'm going to miss you, young lady." He says as we pull apart. The lump in my throat grows a bit bigger and I swallow it away, telling him I'd miss him more.

"We should get going," he turns to Harry. "Planes taking off soon." Harry nods once before he wraps his arms around his mother. She nods against his shoulder as he says something into her ear. She grips his shirt, crying against him.

"I'll call as much as I can, okay?" He pulls away and kisses her forehead. She nods in response, kissing his cheek before he turns to me.

He takes my hands and kisses them both, smiling warmly at me. "I love you, Faye Brooke." He says, leaning his forehead against mine. I breathe a small laugh.

"I love you, Harry Styles." I smile before he grabs my face and kisses me deeply. I'm brought back to the moments we spent in Hawaii, the way he kissed me like everything was alright in the world. It's the best feeling, possibly the best feeling in the entire world. Back then, I feared what was going to happen when we returned.

We pull apart only to return in an embrace. I lean my head against his chest, the pounding of his heart soothing me slightly. I breathe him in, memorizing him before he disappears.

"Don't get into any trouble." He comments and I laugh, pulling back.

"I should be telling you that." I raise a brow and he grins, kissing my lips once more before pulling back completely.

"I'll call you as soon as I land." He assures and I nod, gulping. This is goodbye. His hands release mine as he picks up his bag and the crew enter the jet. "I love you both." He says to both Anne and I. I take her hand as Harry climbs the step into the jet. I wait for him to look at us once more but he doesn't turn. He disappears into the jet and that's when I feel the tears on my face. I let out a breath, sighing as Anne squeezes my hands.

"We'll be alright, darling." She assures and I nod as the stairs ascend into the plane and the engine flares before they begin to move.

"Goodbye." I whisper.


Two Weeks Later

The gym is vacant of any bodies. The apartment he bought is being sold, couples make appointments to look at the infamous space to live in. The pathway he jogged almost everyday misses his footsteps. The grave of David is visited almost everyday by fans. David's mansion continues to be occupied by Anne, the loneliness creeping around slowly that she barely stays in the house anymore.

But there isn't a more lonely place than this house. Everything is quiet, like there's no one left in the world to fill it with noise. I guess you can say it's the end of my world because I don't know what to do now that he's gone.

I work everyday, meeting with clients and publicists; setting up events and sitting in arenas and parks to watch and guide my clients. I learn something new everyday and it's a great feeling to be able to do this. It helps to take my mind off of him but when the day is over, he's all I can think about.

My quick run to the coffee shop downstairs isn't quick at all. The line is almost out the door but I'm closer to the counter. My foot taps impatiently as I continuously check my watch; my one o'clock meeting starting soon. Five minutes later, I've approached the counter and ordered my drink, waiting at the pick up line. My cell rings in my hand and I instantly glance at it, the hope for his name to appear dissipating as Dr. Phillips name appears. I sigh, choosing to ignore it. But after I've done it, I think maybe I should've answered.

"Faye." The server calls out my name and I smile kindly as I grab my drink, thanking them. My cell rings again and I take a quick sip of the hot liquid before answering Dr. Phillips phone call.

"Dr. Phillips, how are you?" I stop by the service counter to grab a couple more sugars.

"Ms. Brooke, you sound busy," he speaks abruptly. "Should I call another time?"

"I'm in a bit of a rush but I can talk," I say. "I mean it must be important for you to call."

He clears his throat and I frown, hoping that it's good news rather than the predictable.

"You're blood work came back from the lab this morning," he starts softly. "Something came up."

"What is it?" I frown, holding the phone tightly to my ear as I make my way towards the exit of the busy cafe.

Nothing prepared me for the what he was going to say. Nothing prepared me for the shock of my entire life.

"Faye, it seems you are pregnant."


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