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My train of thought has vanished. They maybe floating somewhere in the cup of tea set in front of me as the busy streets of the city pass by the cafe window.

"You can work here." Trish suggests. I blink to her as she watches me hesitantly. "Or not." She shrugs as I sigh.

"I don't know what to do anymore." I huff, leaning my head in my hands. "Everything has changed and I feel like I can't keep up with my own life."

"I'm sorry." She says. "I wish there was something I could do."

"I should've saw it coming." I lean back and cross my arms. "I should've paid more attention."

"You can't blame yourself, Faye. Shit happens, it's the way the world works." She continues. "Apply to agent jobs around the city, get your place back."

"It's harder than you make it sound, Trish."

She takes a breath, her blues eyes finding the street outside. Her support for me and everything I did was something I always cherished about her. That's why she is my best friend. She's been through a lot with me and stuck around when I needed her the most. Her working in publishing and I at the agency, we barely have time to see each other the way we used to in college.

"Thank you." I pull her attention back to me, taking her hand.

"For what?" She smiles.

"For being here."

"Well you're always alone so I have to be." She says and I chuckle. "Seriously, you need company especially now that you're living in a house all by yourself."

"I'm fine, Trish." I tell her.


I feel as if it's been too long since I stepped foot in this gym. The first time I did, I met Harry. My career was really starting to take off, I had a client.

And now I have nothing.

In just a month, I lost two of the most important things in my life and it's still hard to process. I can't cry anymore, all of the tears my body had stored is all gone. I'm all dried up.

"Faye." Rick approaches from the counter and I force a smile. "I heard about the agency."

"I'm okay." I tell him. "Where's Harry?"

"In the ring." He nods his head towards the back of the gym where Harry fights another boxer. "He's been in there all day with Julio, practicing in for the big fight."

"That's good." I nod. "I'm glad he'll still be able to do it. He's worked too hard for it to just fall apart."

"Yeah." He says. "And you've worked too hard for you to be okay." I look to him, his eyes telling me he knows. "I'm here if you want to talk. I'll always be here."

"Thank you, Rick." I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. We pull apart and he goes back to the desk, leaving me to walk towards the ring where Julio and Harry practice swings and dodges.
His body glistens with sweat as I watch his biceps flex when he swings and his calf muscles tense when he holds his stance. It's mesmerizing, to be honest. He's stronger than he looks.

"Alright, I think that's enough for today." Julio playfully smacks Harry on the head and he chuckles. "You have a visitor." He tells him after his eyes met mine. Harry turns his head to see me and I swear his eyes light up as he smiles brightly. I feel my cheeks heat at the attention as Julio jumps out of the ring, pulling his gloves off. He nods to me, leaving Harry and I alone.

"Looks like you've been busy." I comment, slipping my shoes off before pulling myself up into the ring. I huff as I stand, always admiring the feeling I get when I stand here. Like I'm strong enough to do anything.

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