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"Is he always this late?" Timothy asks, checking his watch for the fourth time in the last five minutes.

"Not really." I look around the dimly lit restaurant, hoping I spot Harry's face. I told him of this dinner with his publicist and he laughed, said that it's funny how someone actually cares what the public think. "He must've forgotten." I mumble, picking up my phone to dial his number. But before I can hit the call button, Timothy stands with a smile.

"There he is." His smile is grand, showing off the pleasure it is to meet Harry. I stand with him as Harry approaches. I can't help the smile on my face as I notice his attire. He's actually dressed in a suit.

"Mr. Styles, it's great to finally meet you." Timothy reaches his hand out and Harry takes it.

"You too." Harry nods. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"You're here, that's all that matters." I say. He looks to me, his eyes finally finding mine. "You look nice." I compliment and he chuckles, looking down at the suit.

"I feel like an idiot." He says as we take out seats again, he sits beside me.

"So Mr. Styles, there's a few things I'd like to talk about. First things first, my job is to get you out there and make sure you're known for what you do. There are publicity events all over the city that you should attend, introduce yourself to people, make as many friends as you can, and get your picture taken." I watch as Harry nods along to all of the things Timothy says, frowning at some things.

"I have events scheduled for you to attend." I begin. "They aren't big ones, just simple ones to get you comfortable. But gradually, the events will become bigger, more attention seeking."

"Don't get yourself into any trouble." Timothy says. "As you're headed into fame, there are going to be people who'd want to ruin your image. Don't let them, don't feed into it."

"Carter, for example." I look to him.

"I can handle Carter." He says.

"I'm sure you can, Harry, but he has a lot of power. He knows a lot of people in the industry." I say. "Just be careful."

"This is what I'm here for as well." Timothy speaks again. "And I can see Faye, here, knows you enough to let you know what's right and what's wrong."

"I try." I laugh lightly and Harry rolls his eyes with a smile as Timothy chuckles.

"Why don't we order some dinner and talk some more?" Timothy suggests.


Harry and Timothy get along pretty well, chatting about endorsement deals and publicity events coming up. I can tell Harry is becoming more excited about his career in boxing. Everything seemed to surprise him when Timothy brought up public events and meeting new people. I could tell from the very beginning Harry want a people person.

"It was an honor, Mr. Styles." Timothy shakes Harry's hand as we exit the restaurant.

"Please, call me Harry." He shakes his hand. "Thank you, sir."

"Alright, Harry." He chuckles before he turns to me. "Always a pleasure, Faye."

"Goodnight, Timothy." I shake his hand. "We'll talk soon." He nods once before he enters his Mercedes, leaving Harry and I fulfilled with tonight.

I sigh, feeling successful.

"Walk you to your car?" Harry asks and I nod as we begin our walk towards the parking garage.

"How do you feel?" I ask him.

The wind blows gently between the buildings, the streets slightly busy with people rushing along the sidewalks and across the streets.

"A bit overwhelmed but I'll get used to it." He laughs slightly. "I didn't know here would be this much getting into boxing."

"I felt the same way as I started at the agency." I brush my hair back as the wind picks it up. "After school, things were just all over the place and I'd didn't think I'd get a client ever. I was completely overwhelmed with all of the paperwork and making sure everything is in order."

"And then your mum and Trey on the other hand." He says and I take a deep breath.

"Yeah." I sigh. "Things aren't as easy as I hoped they'd be."

It's quiet between us as we make our way into the garage.

"But I shouldn't bring my personal problems between us either." I say as we enter an elevator. "It's negligent and business I should leave at home."

"You can't deal with stuff like that on your own, Faye." He says, leaning against the wall of the elevator. I don't dare to look at him, keeping my eyes on the numbers above the doors. 3, 4, 5. The doors open and we exit, walking towards my car.

"It's not right to involve you anyhow." I mumble, unlocking the car door.

"I know it's unprofessional or whatever," he starts. "But you can talk to me, you know."

I keep my hand on the car door handle as I look to my feet, thinking of the words I should say next. There's no doubt that there's something I feel for him that's more than just business partners. I push the thought away every time I do and he only makes it worse when he shows up at my apartment in the middle of the night wanting to kiss me.

"Last night," I begin, clearing my throat. "You shouldn't have come to my place. You shouldn't feel the things you said."

"You know I can't change that." He says, his voice quiet. "I'm sorry that I cane to your place and said those things, I regret doing that. But I can't help it." He shakes his head. "Trust me, I've tried."


"Ever since you walked into that gym, you..." He stops. "You consume me. You consume my thoughts." I dare myself to look at him and I do, my eyes landing on his chest and then eyes. He's frowning as he speaks.

"I can't go a day, not even a minute or second without thinking about you." He's frustrated and my breath is completely taken away from me as I listen to his words. I should get in the car now but my body won't move, it's as if I'm mesmerized.
He's still speaking, saying the same things over and over until I can't take it anymore.

Before I can think about anything else, my right hand has left the door handle and my left has dropped my purse to the ground as I grab his jacket and pull him to me, my lips on his. His hand holds the back of my neck instinctively, as if he were expecting the action, holding me against him mouth as our lips move in sync. He moans softly, leaning me against my car as his arm snakes around my back to pull me closer. I sigh against his mouth, frowning as I relish in the moment; this moment that isn't supposed to be happening.

"No." I gently push him away, covering my mouth as if I said something I wasn't supposed to. We're both out of breath and I can't look him in the eyes any longer.

Shit, Faye, what did you do?


I move towards the door again, picking my purse up from the ground and enter my car without looking at him again. I begin to breathe again, my heart pummeling against my rib cage as I turn the ignition on and pull out of the parking spot.

I just kissed him. I just let him know that I felt the same way he does.

I just ruined everything.


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