chapter 6

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Y/n pov:

We were walking to the village, we were passing on a bridge on the dried out riverbed of vanya
"Why do you think the river is dry?" Elizabeth said
"Uhhhh, i don't know" i said somewhat frantically beacuse i easnt gunna just go and tell them 'the anime has this timeline so i think that gilthunders sword it stuck in the ground and the villagers look like wimps cause they cant pull it out but then meliodas just uses one hand and draws it out like it's nothing' yeah totally gunna say that
"I wonder if they still have ale or thats why it looks like a festival or something in the square" meliodas said
"Well then lets go and find out" i said pushing them along into the village

*in vanya village*

"Oh hey ist the bar keep" said one of the villagers
"Is there a festivel going on or something?" The densely blind meliodas questioned
"Does this look like a damn festival to you were trying to pull the holy knights sword out!" There was a bunch of grunting coming from the villagers that were trying to pull the sword out of the ground

~☆timeskip brought to you by vampires

author-chan: i think you'll be sparing one of them tho
Yu: huh?☆~

Me, meliodas and and mead had got back to the tavern cause this time around I was with meliodas in the rock crossfire

the whole conversation went on and I overheard the whole 'your food gave me amnesia' but while that was going on I was still trying to figure out everything like if I could remember things cause obviously I knew meliodas for a while then I heard Elisabeth and hawk walk in
"So I heard you were quite the-"
I only heard that little bit of Elisabeth talking then I spaced out again, trying to remember something, anything then something did click, like a light switch being turned on to complete a circuit, if only for a mere second


there was me, meliodas in a fight with a group of knights well they looked like holy knights and my entire body was covered in blue flames and scratches and bruises so was meliodas

~end of memory~

"Yo, y/n" there was the same boy his emerald green eyes stareing into my e/c ones then i was a parcel tomato
"Were heading back into the village wanna come with?"
"Uh shure"

*in vanya village*

I was zoned out until the rope on the sword had broken and apparently i had relly good reflexes and one of the villagers pulling the sword flew back and i steped sideways and was missing it by an inch
"I think im gunna try pulling the sword out"
Meliodas just widend his eyes as i pulled the sword out and the two knights on the well got pushed into the air with all the watter coming out of the well
"Guess i really am a holy knight after all"
I said throwing gilthunders sword to the two holy knights
*back at the tavern*
"Its a busy night i think y/n might need to be a waitress" meliodas said
"Yeah i dont think so"
"C'mon y/n be a waitress" meliodas convinced me
"Fine" wait, i forgot about the uniform
"K i already have one layed out on the secong topmost room on the bed" meliodas said
"Guess i have to now" i walked upstairs and changed it was surprisingly comfortable well the few parts that i could feel atleast and i walked downstairs and into the kitchen
"This fee-" i couldent even finish my sentence without meliodas doing a
"Size check!" He yelled quickly and fliped my skirt up and started squeezing my butt
But in that second i lit my hand on fire and threw him straight onto the floor
"We need to go to the forest of white dreams and also ask gilthunder where the other sins are, be persistant about king's"
I walked out of the kitchen and started waiting it was a normal night them I senced the speer and meliodas walkes out, wait I actually senced the speer THATS SO COOL!!!
There were only a few customers left and I had just given them another drink so i felt fine leaving Elizabeth in the bar for a few minutes
"Elizabeth can you man the bar for a minute?"
"Shure lady y/n"
"Ok ill only be a few minutes" i said walking out of the tavern

*at gilthunders base 5 mins prior*

"A young girl with h/l h/c hair pulled out your sword holy knight gilthunder, she was accompanied by a boy with ahort yellow hair, the same age" one of the knights from vanya said
"It was her, the seven deasly sins, Phoenix sin of destruction, y/n accompanied by the dragon sin of wrath, meliodas. Just what are you planing?" Gilthunder said then standes up and asked one of his guards
"How far is vanya village from here? Exactly and its quadrants"
"6.8 miles south-east sir" one of the guards replied"let me use your speer" he then said
"I would be honored" the knight said
Gilthunder then threw the speer to that exact spot

*back at vanya*

The speer approach very fast and meliodas caught it and saved the village, just like in the anime which is good i walked over to him and said
" guess were going to the forest of white dreams in the morning"
"Yep" he relpyed and threw the spear back where it came from

K so this is a reeeeeeelllllly long chapter for me and i cant belive i did this from memory and i think its right to. I relly hope this story will stsrt taking off when i get a few more chapters so if your here, at this point in the story in February of 2021 thank you. Author-chan out

1022 words

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