chapter 11

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           So i have an intire week of testing and I'm freaking out (again) so that's fun and i really have aloy ahead of me beacuse i have seven classes (wow that's coincidental) anyways chapter 11 (wait, hold up. I forgot everything lemme just slip out for a sec and rewatch the episode) (k im back now actually on to chapter 11)

Y/n pov:

I woke up in the windowsill of meliodas's room it was sunny outside and the suns heat felt warm on my face, i looked around the room to see the bed that elizabeth and meli- 'wait where is he?' i said in my head i then sat up and started to look around the room to see, of course untied from the rope that hawk tied him in meliodas, staring right at me with a slight blush on his face. he was in a daze until he realized i was looking at him then well i think you can guess what happened next, his face was in my boobs. the thing it before he had put his face in my boobs i had sworn he turned into a tomato blushing like crazy 

"mornin y/n!" he said with his face still in my boobs, then i had a strange feeling... my boobs felt really hot, no i dont mean like sexy hot or something like tempurture hot and then i said with all the confidence i had and trying to have ban's tone

"are you blushing~" and that was a huge sucsess beacuse the next thing he did was

"no. im not blushing, see" he looked me in the eyes and then i smerked back

*blush* then he blushed but not soon enough he was puting his face in Elizabeths boobs

"im a falure" he said. guess elizabeth woke up when we were talking. next thing i knew they were going downstairs. i then got up, made my bed, brushed my hair, and went downstairs, there was meliodas and elizabeth getting ready to sit down at the table and eat. I sat down across from them and said
"Please dont let this food poison me" i said looking down at the plate
"Well you'll never know until you try it" meliodas said
I took a bite and it was... ok? That's surprising. Ban then came down and i decided to throw the ale at him instead of meliodas, he looked kinda down in the dumps but then i said
"It'll be fine she still loves you and you love her so she can't get mad or anything at you. Can she? She wished you came to steal her heart, right?" I asked the last part in a curiously asking tone he just cried. Althought it was only one tear, it was a tear
"Thanks n/n" he said, i couldent see his face so i knew he was serious
"She would never blame me for what happened" he said in a very-not-ban monotone voice then he went outside to drink on the steps and meliodas just looked at me like he'd seen a ghost
"What?" I said casually eating another bite of food
"That was quite impressive, thats all" he said trying to cover up him looking like a ghost
"Im gunna go back up now, bye" i said as i finished my food and put my plate on the countertop


Im so so so sooooo sorry about the late update it's been crazy for me so im really sorry i got to go bye

597 words

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