chapter 23

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A/n: I was being an idiot and kinda umm let it slip that I had a wattpad story to my friend because we were talking about something and then she said "I only have like 3 reads" and then I was super proud because I have more reads then her and was like "well I have over 1.5k reads so Ha- o shit" and that's how she nagged me for like 5 mins straight and omg my short friend with anger issues scares me. Anyways imma just be embarrassed for the rest of my life. She's going to 'check it out' tommorow so I hope it goes well for me. On to chapter 23

Y/n pov:

I woke up on Monday to go to school and get it over with. I put on (outfit of your choice) and flopped down on my bed. The 3rd season comes out on Saturday and I have to get through the whole thing in one night. Ok. I gotta go to school though, damn. I went to the kitchen and put some toast in the toaster. I got the toast out after it cooked and looked t the clock to see I was gonna be late

"NOT AGAIN!" I yelled as this was the 5th time I would almost be late this month.

I grabbed my school bag and keys then ran out the door and towards the school. It was about a ten minute walk to the school from my apartment but if I ran as fast as possible and got all the crosswalks green I could make it in 5. So that's what I did, I almost got a red one but made it in time. I walked on the campus and saw bfn

"I made it" I was panting from the run but somehow I had 2 mins to spare when I looked down at my phone.

"We're you late again? Honestly, I don't know how your late everyday." She was sighing in grief

"I seriously feel like a main character sometimes" I scratched the back of my neck

"Just try not to sneeze Mrs fire snot" she said jokingly

"At least I'm special, AND taller" I had a smug look on my face after I said the last part and like the violent shortie she is she punched me In the side

"Hey! That actually hurt!" I said

"That's the point" she started walking to our homeroom class that we had together.

The day went by in a blurr, so did the week. But then Friday came along. The only thing standing in between me and watching season 3.

"Just gotta survive today" I said. I got to school actually on time and met up with bfn.

"You gotta be really pumped for tommorow, huh y/n?" Bfn asked

"More like nervous. I can't think of anything other than meli and the others and what could happen to them." I was shaking a bit

"You shouldn't get so nervous about this y/n, it's not good for you to stress about it." She said as we started walking into school

"I know" I said and the doors of the school closed behind us

It was finally after school and I wanted to get home really badand sleep so I could stay up all day tommorow and watch the 3rd season, and I haven't gotten any sleep in a few days so that might also help me get to sleep this early in the afternoon.

I got home and went on Netflix to finish another anime I was watching while waiting for the next season. I went to my continue watching and was season 3 came out a day early and I started watching it. But as soon as turned it on I got a really bad headache and passed out. That was the last thing I remember, until I woke up 30 meters away from the tavern. I stood up but then fell to my knees and covered my mouth as I started crying.

"I'm back, I'm really back" I said as I sobbed. Then next thing I knew I was embraced in a hug by meli. The other sins then walked out to see what was going on. Then ban said with his eyes closed

"What was that all about capt-" he opened his eyes and saw me and started crying along with the other sins

"Y/n, you came back" they were all bawling at this point even me. I just hugged meli tighter, not believing I was back.


I hope you guys liked the chapter and it's going to get really exciting from here  on in so I hope you keep reading
author- Chan out

794 words

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