chapter 26

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So my body is kinda crazy. So if you read the a/n at the end of last chapter that I'm extremely forgetful, ya there's more stuff like that. So this life kinda crazy but most of the time I can't remember anything between half an hour and 3 hours before I go to sleep. Ya I wake up in the most random places sometimes and there was this one time where apparently I had reorganized my room and I woke up the next morning and tried to find something and it took me like half an hour. I usually takes me 10 mins max to find something. So that's my crazy thing for this a/n so on to the chapter

Y/n pov

"YOU HAVE WINGS!?!?!?" the other sins shouted and meli was just standing in the doorway with the others still behind him

"Since when do you have wings y/n? I need to know now" Hawk demanded

"Uhhhhhh. Well." I got out of the bed and walked towards the doorway
"I need some fresh air" I said and walked past all of them

"Wonder what would happen if I did this?" Ban said and tried pulling out a feather

"Hey!" I yelled at him and he stopped trying to pull it out.
I got outside and we were moving. I'm not shure where to but we're moving. I spread my wings out and tried flying. The wind immediately caught my wings and I moved back a bit. I closed them again and tried something. I went to the side of the tavern that's strapped on to hawks moms side and hopped off her and spread my wings out. I coasted up and went really high and closed up my wings and dived towards the ground

"WO HOOOOOO!!!" I yelled as I went closer and closer to the ground, past the boar hat and opened my wings and flew up again. When I went back up I saw everyone else standing there looking a bit shocked

"Ok, this is really fun" I said and landed on top of hawks mom

"That looked amazing y/n!" Elizabeth said

"O wait, I can do this too" I then made my wings disappear

"So that's how you kept your wings hidden all these years" Diane said

"Yep" I said with a wide grin and we all walked inside to have breakfast and hawks mom Apparently everyone else was already up and they were about to make breakfast and wake me up once it was done so we all had breakfast and talked for a while

"OH ya I forgot, there's a ceremony tomorrow for awarding the eight deadly sins and hawk" meli said

"Forgot bout that" ban said

"OH! King! The outfits that we picked out for everyone!" Diane said

"Right!" King said and Diane walked upstairs and king floated up behind her

"I wonder if there's one for me. With me being gone in all" I said

"so that's what that thing hanging up in my room was" ban said and walked upstairs. While he was gone Diane and king came back down and showed us the new outfits

"Here's yours y/n"

(So you have a choice of whatever you want but I personally like these, there's no relation between these I just like them so it doesn't matter what you choose to have on)

(So you have a choice of whatever you want but I personally like these, there's no relation between these I just like them so it doesn't matter what you choose to have on)

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it was very pretty and I went upstairs right away to put it on

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it was very pretty and I went upstairs right away to put it on

"OH, I forgot, I got something for you sir meliodas" I saw Elizabeth get up to go up the stairs as I went into the bathroom to change. I got on my outfit and walked out of the bathroom. Once I walked out I was greeted with meli in his new outfit that Elizabeth had got for him

"Wow y/n you look really good in that" Elizabeth said

"Thanks, you chose really well he looks amazing" I said and pointed at meli

"Thanks y/n" she said back

"Where's ban?" I asked

"He's outside with Diane and the others" Hawk said

"Thanks" I then walked outside to find Diane, ban, king, and Gowther

"Omg y/n! You look amazing in that!" Diane said

"So do you!" I said back to her then Merlin teleported right next to me and I jumped.

"I'll never get used to that" I said after getting over the shock of her showing up

"I had a hard time choosing between the two" Diane said looking at Merlin

"I don't remember two thought" Merlin mumbled under her breath

"What's up with that weird outfit gowther?" Hawk said

"OH this? My beloved chose it for me" he smiled

"Lover? Since when? And who?" Hawk questioned

"Guila of course" gowther said. we all just dismissed it as something gowther would usually do. we then went back into the boar hat and drank the day away. when the sun had gone under very dark clouds and ban had his things and walked out of the boar hat and meli followed to the clearing that we settled for the night and i followed after staking on the deck so they couldn't really see me.

"today was my last day in the seven deadly sins" stated ban then i yelled

"YOUR FACE IS THE ONLY JOKE WE CAN TAKE AROUND HERE BAN!" as i walked so i was behind meli

"im serious you two" ban said

"then whose going to do all the cooking?" meli said looking straight at ban

"you managed just fine on your own before" ban stated bluntly

"ya but he's going to poison a village again if you leave" i was pointing at meli

"well too bad then!" said ban. and then startd walking off. the clouds had lifted and ban was on his way. i went back in and king wasnt there but i thought nothing of it. we all went to bed with bellys full of ale.


12 reads to 2k. HOW IS THIS HAPPENING?!!?!!?!?!? this is crazy i literally cant thank you enough for being here for all of my milestones im happy people enjoy my writing and all the work i put into it. i love seeing all of you guys amazing comments. my life probably would be a lot more sad without you guys so thank you, all of you. anyways enough of the sappy stuff and ill try to update soon. it will probably end up being something like a chapter per week but ill try to do more frequent updates.

Author-Chan out

1120 words

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