chapter 10

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So im gunna put pics at the beginning of the chapters and im gunna just do it for fun so ya.
So... I HAVE MY END OF YEAR TESTS SOON AAAAA!!!!! This is my first one (I AM NOT SEVEN OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT!) I went to a prippy private school and never took tests wo im freaking out and that so there are gunna be reeeeeeealy slow updates soo thats fun anyways on to chapter ten but before should i have y/n in the visel fighting festival or stitch places with Elizabeth? I want your opinion beacuse i have a plan out for bowth scenarios and i cant decide or not so please tell me in the comments. Ok, ACTUALLY on to chapter 10

Y/n pov:

"Heya y/n u just gunna stand there or?~" ban said
I was standing there and suddenly felt i was being picked up, ban was putting me on his shoulders and had set me down on them when we heard something like someone in armor approaching us ban had then put me fully on his shoulders and was walking toward the distant sound
"So where did you go off to this time n/n~?"
Ban asked
"What do you mean ban?" I said in reply looking down at his face looking up at me
"Also, why am i on your shoulders?" I said adding on
"Wha!?" He said in reply "o you must have forgotten again" he said looking strait again still walking throught the corridors "poor captain" he mumbled under his breath
"What do you mean 'poor captain'" i said back to him
"I didnt say anything. So what have you been doing the past 12 years now?" Ban said avoiding the subject
"Uhhhh" i said contemplating if i should tell him or not
"Wait. DID YOU FORGET YOUR SIN TOO!?!" Ban yelled i covered his mouth and said
"You idiot you just gave us away" the footsteps that we heard earlier got louder and faster until i was thrown down a dark hallway, courtesy of ban and i heard something like the scene with, o shi its holy knight jude totally forgot about the holy knights wait, arent there four of them? So the others dealed with ruin and bug girl and ban has jude then o whait the other one was pumbled by meliodas in that old abandoned house so thats all of them while i was all off in my own world in another hallway that i was thrown close to i was picked up by ban and put back on his shoulders and that's when we heard something on hooves, a person and something very large maybe a... giant?
And there they were hawk, and diane wait where's e- o wait she's in Diane's bag, right?
Where's melioda- i was cut off by ban grabing me off his shoulders and placing me on the ground fast yet softly. Then i heard them, the clanking of fast shoes on the hard ground, meliodas. I quickly hid behind diane knowing what was about to go down
"CAPTIANN!~" and then, the messed up game of patty cake, then the throwing
"Me next! Me next!... Oof!"
They then proceeded to arm wrestle
"Im just gunna stand back a little" i said out loud to myself. I could hear them talking but it was kinda muffled by the sound of the falling rock and baste prison crumbling. As we started to fall down from the two rowdy boys arm wrestling and breaking through the floors of the prison i grabed onto one of Diane's pigtails and i was hanging on for dear life i then went into dianes bag once we were planted on the ground
"This is probably safer than being out here do you mind diane?"
I said while pointing at the bag i had unzipped and looked at her
"Yeah, thats probably for the best" she said with a smile on her face so i went inside of the bag and sat next to Elizabeth

~☆timeskip 20ish minutes after the fights with the holy knight and the soldiers☆~

It seemed like it was peaceful now and i didnt feel like there was any danger so i cautiously opened Diane's bag from the inside and peaked my head out and looked around
"It's ok to come out now y/n" i heard diane say in a nice tone
"Thanks Diane" i said with a smile and climbed fully out of her bag and she put her hand up for me to climb on and did so and she lowered me down to the ground (totally not me having to rewatch the episode to know what happens between here and ariving at the necropolis 😅 sry im a disappointment) (* me three days later* ok just kinda rewatched it, like the whole series with my bff who i got into anime and she is so happy its like that look in her eyes when its like heaven so yeah anyways not a disappoint anymore si back to the chapter)

~☆dr. Dana's☆~

I was walking into the room where dr. Dana was resting to the conversation with the scars
"Im not shure exactly how im alive right now" i heard dr Dana say then i walk down the hall out of ear shot beacuse i know what's going to happen next

*later that day that night*

"Dinners served!" I heard sennett say while i was just walking in i then sat next to ban with meliodas on his other side taking one of the scuers, squers? (fuqk how do i spell it i mean the sus kabob thinggie)
"So you were asking earlier when we were in baste about me forgetting my sin ban." I said as i took a bite
"Yeah and so~" ban said with his usual slur
"I actually forgot it" i admitted looking down at my lap
"Pffffffft, ha ha!" Ban said messing up my hair
"C'mon ban stop messing up my hair" i said pushing him but he was drunk so he'll forget by morning, or whenever the next time he wakes up is. Diane stood up and looked at me and said
"Wait!? You forgot your sin!?" She yelled which got ban freaked out cuz of obvious reasons
"Ummm.. maybe. Heh" i said while scratching the back of my head while embarrased by my actions
Then the gods or whoever were on my side and it felt like i was saved by the bell beacuse then the shooting stars were in the shape of a cross then dr. Dana said
"When stars form in the shape of a cross Britannia will face her darkest hour. It's like one of the old Britannian fables" whe then finished dinner and whent back to the boar hat then ban layed claim to Elizabeth's roomand i just ended up sleeping in the windowsill of meliodas's room and dozed off to sleep.

So i did my end of year test for writing and omg we took another hour than it should have been and out tests almost got invalidated and that would have been bad and also please please please tell me if i should have y/n switch places with Elizabeth in the visel arc so i hope you enjoyed this chapter, author-chan out

1233 Words

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