chapter 30

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So umm the last bit of season 5 is crazy, betrayals, deaths, people coming back, children. It was a lot to handle. At one point me and my friend had to take a break but I got to watch spirited away so that's good. We were up till 3:30 in the morning doing this so ya. Anyways onto the story and tell me what you thought of it in the comments please. I love to know what you guys think of my story and the new episodes. Anyways onto the story

Y/n pov

"yep, i got wings long story short im not a human"

"so wha-"

"Wait so if these things are awake then the ten Commandments have to be to"

"Well as long as we have meliodas' attack move and y/n's then were almost invincible" hawk said

"Well it's not really my power it's more like lostvayles secret ability" meli then used physical clone and there were 5 of him

"It's almost like an illusion. Is it?" Elizabeth said

"I wonder if it is?" Meli then started groping me and I just stood there used to it at this point but after a few seconds I got irritated and bashed him into a nearby wall. I then felt something that I haven't felt in 3000 years. Galland. I looks over to meli and he had felt it too and was looking in the same direction as me. Soon enough Galland showed up. Us, knowing what was going to happen, shielded Arthur and Elizabeth. i shielded Elizabeth and Meli shielded Arthur and as we predicted, Galland showed up with a gust of wind and a power level that caught everyone else off guard. Galland then looked around through his red armor and said

"I thought it would only take me 72 steps, not 73. guess I'm out of practice, it has been three thousand years after all," he then looked right at me and Meli and spoke again

"Is this the traitors new rag tag team? have they not betrayed you yet?" that kinda got on my nerves and i could feel a tick mark on my forehead

"hey Merlin?" Hawk spoke

"yes Hawk?" Merlin then replied

"I think theirs something wrong with this thing" he then said

"why do you say that?" Merlin spoke again

"his power level, the magic level is zero" Hawk was shaking

"your right hawk" she puled out another of the baylord's eye and looked at Galland and she spoke

"i guess the effects of the goddesses seal hasn't fully worn off yet" then Meli spoke

"what do you want Galland!?" he questioned

"just stopped in to say hi" he swung his weapon around a bit and he looked like he was about to attack

"Humans are too crowded, guess they don't really change. even if it is a three thousand year span," he then destroyed all the houses in a 30 meter distance around him. the formerly paved ground now bare dirt and gravel

"lets get this over with Galland" i said and me and meli charged at him

"this is the best time to attack him, when the seal is still in effect" he then tried to land a hit on Galland with his sword but was blocked by his Double sided spear. i then attacked and Diane joined in and then followed Merlin and then Slater.

"perfect cube" i heard Merlin's voice say. i looked back to see hawk, Elizabeth, and Arthur in a perfect cube

"thanks Merlin" I said and attempted to hit Galland but did not succeed in doing so

"no problem y/n" Merlin replied back.

Diane attacked Galland with her ground gladiolus attack, meli and me then tried to catch him off guard and came from opposite directions and Meli ended up getting speared with the harpoon looking end of the weapon. i then proceeded to keep him a bit occupied as Meli got off the spear, Diane was then hurt where she couldn't move and was barely alive. Meli was then was met with it again only this time it managed to cut off his arms and throw him behind me out of my line of sight. i turned around for a split second so see what condition he was in only to be speared in the chest from behind and thrown near the man i was concerned about

"i think we have to" he then let out his demon form and i did as well. i know he didn't want to have to resort to this as much as i didn't but it was our only choice

"lets get this over with"Galland said and we started a full out battle between the armored demon and the two of us. a few minutes in my powers were starting to get the best of me and i was hit down after taking too many hits and didn't have the strength to keep fighting. i closed my eyes a bit as i was feeling weak.

"it cant end here. not like this" i said in my head as my body would barely move. there was then a thump beside me. I looked to see Meli in critical condition, I can only barely see him breathing. Merlin then started speaking

"ill make you a deal Galland..." I zoned out after she said that.

"this isn't going to end well. he's the commandment of truth, anyone who lies in his presence is turned to stone," I thought. I went back to the current situation and out of the little world inside my head

"And in exchange we will give you and your comrades anything you wan-t" I looked over to Merlin and saw that she was being turned to stone.

"I am Galland of truth, anyone that lies in my presence is turned to stone" he then crushed Merlin's statue state and walked in between me and Meli and up to the perfect cube that contained Hawk, Elizabeth, and Arthur.

"So you must be the daughter of the pests?" i hard Galland say. how did he know? she was born only 17 years ago? 

"there- there daughter?" she questioned

"i guess they had kept it a secret from you" he said

"so now my parents are dead" she said and started crying, i could hear her sobs it made me start to tear up as well.

"I guess ill be on my way now" and with that he leped away and i slowly closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber after al of the blood loss

1091 words

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