chapter 21

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I got my new phone!! Yay!! I'm starting school on Monday and it is currently Friday night when I'm writing this and my new phone has really good auto correct so there will be less editing so I'm exited. So I realized my life is like a main character and it's kinda funny because I'll be like, "nah, that only happens in anime and TV shows and movies, not in real life." And then it happens and I'm dumbfounded after. Like this one time I was at the gas station at the other side of my neighborhood and this weird dude was about to walk by me and I didn't take any thought in it until he grabbed my ass and said "well your a pretty one" and then I did what any sensible person would do and listen to hawk but instead of punching him I kneed him in the balls and said in the most threatening voice I could "get out of here or im doing it again. Or would you like something else flavorful?" Let's just say I didn't see him after that and It freaked me out (he ran away). Anyways on to the story

Y/n pov

"I wonder if I can still use my magical ability?" I spoke to myself and tried to use it. It came out as a very small flame but it was the same blue color as before.

"Cool" I then stopped using my ability and picked up my phone to text b/f/n


                    U wanna chill at the park later? I finished seven deadly sins

Shure, what time?


U know that season 3
is coming out next



Had no clue

How long is season 2?

Like 4 episodes I

Srsly? Is it an ova?


What's season 3 called?

Revival of the

Tf? Like the
Truth, patience, piety

Stuff like that?

Ya, I think so


OK Ok I will

GOOD. I'll see you later

End of texts

I went and watched the trailer and It kinda scared me. If that happens and I can't stop it and if someone dies. I don't even want to think about it. It was 10:03 and I think I have some time to watch the ova. I got some breakfast, sat down, and started watching the ova and the trailer.

*timeskip to after watching the ova and the season 3 trailer brought to you by ban being 6'11

All my weeb friends: WHAT!?!?

me: ya, you didn't know?

My weeb friends: HOW ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS?!!?*

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