chapter 33

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A/n: this is hopefully going to satisfy you and im gonna start another chapter the day after i publish this one so on to the story

Y/n pov:

We arrived in front of the ten commandments and they were ready and on edge waiting for us. Guess us getting our powers back sent a  Shock wave so powerful it even reached them.

"Well we meet again traitors" zeldris said and glared at us

"Well long time no see brother in law" I said

"You are dead to me" he said back

"And so are you" he looked over at meli

"Meliodas, why do you side with the other races? And betray your own kind?" He glared at meli

"So I'm just getting ignored?" I said

"Well, didn't you just side with whatever meliodas does?" He asked me

"Wow, you brand us traitors and don't know what actually happened?" I said and glared at him

"Well why don't you elaborate on why you would betray your own kind and the ones who took you in?" Well he knows where to hit it where it hurts. The demon clan took me in when I was very young and treated me as one of their own. I didn't know where I came from or anything and they were the only family I had ever know before I built one of my own.

"I did want to be part of a meaningless war over a power struggle between the two races I'm apart of that killed thousands of innocent people in the process" I said

"Well it was crucial for our survival" zeldris said

"Only because you and the goddesses couldn't agree what land was who's and went to war because of it and brought all of Britannia in it too" I was getting a bit angry at this point

"Well no matter, you two and your family are traitors to your kind and I have some unfinished business with you two" galland said.

Galland then went straight for me and I blocked him with my twin blades and he flung me back. Meli then went in and started brawling it out with him. He lept back and I tagged in for him and we switched places, me going at it with galland and meli waiting to go at it to. While he stood he started to talk.

"Well, we came to try out our newfound strength since we got our powers back. Also to declare war. So, nice seeing you brothers, commandments. And know this won't be the last you see of the seven deadly sins. And if it means saving Britannia from the ruling of demons we won't be afraid to go to war"

Although I don't like the idea of going to war if it's the only way to stop the demon race from taking over and killing everything and everyone in Britannia then I'll go to war for that sake. I fighted galland back far after I wore him out a bit and went and stood over with meli mid-speech. After he finished I started to talk.

"If it's the only way to stop all of you I'll go to war for those sakes. And I'll do everything in my power to stop you from killing my friends and family and taking over all of Britannia"

With that me and meli held hands and looked up at them confidently.

"We'll be seeing you all soon, don't forget about us" meli said and winked

"See ya" and with that Merlin teleported us back to the druids holy land.

"Your back?" King said.

"Ya, why wouldn't we?" I asked

"Because that was a suicide mission!" King yelled

"Wait you two aren't injured? You went up to the ten commandments and came back with only a scratch or two?" Little Gil said

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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