chapter 22

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If you saw my announcement than you saw that I survived my first day of 8th grade and ya know what? I like alot of my teachers. My science and U.S. history teacher are amazing and I'm in band this year and I got into this class I really wanted to be in and my friend which I have science with is a weeb and we sit together and the teachers first name is Edward and she introduced me to full metal alchemist and I looked over to her and said "you think he has a automail arm and leg?" We died laughing. On to the story ppl and I would like to give a shout out to FanFic_Addict828 for always giving me such nice comments on my chapters it's always amazing to see that other people enjoy my story. Thanks😊

Y/n pov

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'I CAN EXPLAIN'!??!?" She yelled at me trying to figure out what was going on

"It's a long story" I tried to stay calm but my voice wasn't on my side as it cracked as I spoke

"YOU BETTER START EXPLAINING Y/N!" Bfn raged and was freaked out

"Your not gonna belive me" I said

"I just saw you with a sin mark and sneeze blue fire. I'll belive anything at this point" she replied

"Well I don't think I'm from this world first of all. And I also don't think I'm human." I was shy at first but then I gained my confidence and continued
"I watched the first season of seven deadly sins then I got a bad headache and went to sleep. I woke up like 30 meters away from the boar hat tavern in a field and walked in. Then the whole story in the anime started but later after meli defeated twiggo I came back and when I looked at the board in the tavern it said the EIGHT deadly sins and meli had pointed out earlier that I had a sin symbol on my side *I lifted up my shirt* as you noticed, and I was in shock for a while and then I got used to it and apparently I'm like the sister ban used to have and to meli I'm his lover. Diane, I'm her best friend. And king and me are actually pretty close surprisingly. And gowther actualy showed some emotion around me. Also I would keep passing out because I forgot everything and I would remember it and then wake up. Ya know the time in visel when meli went all crazy and had dark markings on him? Well that also happened to me apparently." I was out of breath at that point and had to take a deep breath

"Wait do you mean meliodas when you say meli? Is that what you almost called him earlier? Also what was the last thing you remember before you were back in our world?" She was asking so many questions but the last one got me thinking.

"The last think that happened before I came back was. Was. Dieing." I was stuttering with trying to face the truth of the situation

"You what?" Bfn had a shocked and worried face. I was tearing up just thinking about the looks on ther faces. On Meli's.

"Hawk wasn't there to protect them, So I had to" I said

"Y/n? Are you ok?" She looked at me sadly worried written all over her face

"Y-ya, I'm Ok... actually, NO! IM NOT! I DONT KNOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ALL OF THEM ONCE THE COMMANDMENTS COME BACK AND IM WORIED! WORIED WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THEM! WORIED THAT THERE GONNA DIE IF IM NOT THERE! ban was talking about me coming back from the dead. That I'd done it before, and that the last time I died they thought I was gone for good. But I came back and now I'll do it again, I have to."

"Then when you told me that you sowed up at the orphanage when you were three and had no memories."

"I died 12 years ago" I said

"Then that's how it happened. When you had no memory and you were three." She said. We had sat down about half way through the conversation and we both calmed down by then.

"We should get going, it's been a while and my parents are going to start to worry." Bfn said getting up and I followed

"OH ya, I forgot. I can also do this." I lit a blue flame in the palm of my hand


"Ya, apparently I can control it. It surprisingly comes easy." I was smiling and had a sweat drop at her response

"You really are full of surprises y/n." She smiled at me and I did the same back and we started walking towards her house

~☆Time skip brought to you by my cousin finding this story

Me: *sees that my cousin followed me* shit

My cousin: mwa hahaha ha! I'm bout to ruin this gurls intire career Angie_Things2211
Me: you better read my entire story☆~

We got to bfn house and we both walked in at the same time and said

"We're home!" In unison

"Glad to see you got back safe you two" bfn's mom greated us from the kitchen

"It took a long time to persuade y/n to come, she feels bad for introuding and eating our food apparently" she yelled s she walked up the stairs, getting quieter and quieter every step to compensate for the distance between her and her mom

"You know we see you as a second daughter y/n. There's no need to feel like your intruding, your always welcome here" bfn's mom said
"Sit, your gust in time for dinner, bfn could you please get your dad for me and tell him dinner is ready?" She asked politely

"I'll get dad, you set the table bfn" I said. I called bfn's parents by mom or mother and dad and father since they found out I didn't have any parents and I was fending for myself. They offered to cook me food alot but I declined most of the time because I felt bad to eat there food. When I got my phone we even made a 'family' group chat and it was actually bfn's parents idea to set it up. I walked to dad's office room where he was doing some work after he got home from his office

"Time for dinner dad" I nocked at the door and slowly opened it to see him

"Glad to see that bfn was able to convince you to come y/n" he smiled at me

"Me too" I smiled back
"I'm going downstairs, see you down there" I turned around and started walking down the stairs, Bfn's dad followed. We sat down at the table and we were all ready to eat

"Chears!" We all said and ate. It was an awesome dinner of laughing and talking. The night was amazing and I went home with a full belly and a happy heart.

Soooooo I hope you liked the chapter. I've surprisingly updated since I started school so I hope I still can. Please keep reading, the next chapter will have more events happen in it.

Author-chan out

1239 words

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