chapter 13

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i am on a roll updating now. im quarantined and sad and now i can pour my heart and soul into something. #quarenteened3times ha. ha. ha... im sad aNyWaYs oN tO cHaPtEr 13

y/n pov:

it had been a couple of hours since the hole tHiNg happened and we just got to the necropolis. me and ban had skipped out on our jobs and went off to explore then i wanted to place a bet with ban i knew i would win

"what gender do you think Gowther is?" i said looking down at him (on his shoulders btw)

"girl" he said "too many boys for her not to be one"

"i think Gowthers a boy" i said puffing out my cheeks

"wanna bet?" he said

"sure" i said back "100"

"wha!? your serious?" he said with his shocked face looking straight up at me

"yep" i said determined

"your on" he said setting me down to shake hands on it. we shook hands and then we saw ellen, no not Elane Ellen, the other one

"what re you doing all the way out here on your own/ where are your parents?" ban said to the girl

"3... you better ketch her"

"2..." "wha?"


*girl faints*

he caught her

"told you" i said

"watch out for both big bros" i said then the boy came out

"stay away from my sister!" *poke* well it was more like a stab

"no this man wasn't trying to hurt me big brother!" Ellen said

"uh.. uh.. let me atone for my sins sir, please" Luigi said (yes like Mario's brother that's his actual name i am not shitting you)

"true sins are something you can never truly atone for" me and ban said at the same time

"im glad you understand that, fox sin of greed, ban" i heard a monotone voice say. it was king for sure

"who are you kid?" ban said

"that's king, ban. also you kids should get inside it's about to get really dangerous out here"

"no way that's king" ban said

"has it been that long, ban?" king said

"well it has been ten years and he thinks your a fatty. sooooo..." i said as ban was speared

"im glad your alive how have you been?" king said

"ok kid, now you've crossed a line. she dosent remember anything so, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!" ban said getting pissed an pulling the spear out and throwing it up on the air. king then flew up and ban was about to attack him and then the others showed up

"bad ban!" meliodas said

"what the heak was that for and y/n are you shure that's king did he like loose weight or something?" ban said

"he would also have to de- age from who you think he is" i said snickering under my breath

"DON'T THINK I CANT HEAR YOU!" ban yelled at me

"don't forget that I'm here" king said

"huh? KING!!" diane and meliodas said in unison.

"this is gonna get awkward" i said. then king flew away

"i say we get these two some food. lets go back to the tavern" i said

*at the boar hat*

i started to get a bad headache so i decided to go upstairs and rest so up i went

"where you going y/n" meliodas said

"got a headache im gonna go res-" i was cut off by falling unconscious but gladly meliodas caught me

"i got ya" i heard as i was just coming into a state of full sleep

*in the dream*

"d-don't leave me. i love you. Ive loved you for two thousand years, don't leave me!"" meliodas yelled, he was in the same armor that he was in in the opening for the show so, this is a memory

i was high above them, all the sins and wait there are eight in all i can see meliodas, ban, diane,king in his fatty/ human form, gowther in his big armor, merlin and a big buff man with glasses he was putting on, then he put them on and became a skinny dude then i saw a week me and i said

"ill come back, just wait for me meli"

i was weird i turned into dark purple dust kinda like orb things and they floated off in the wind and gradually faded away, there was one left and when it flew up it toughed me and i was seeing myself in a basket with a card that said y/n outside the orphanage on the doorstep then the door was opened and i was taken inside.

(A/n: if you watched assassination classroom just imagine the, ya- know. anyways back to the story)

*end of dream*

i woke up in meliodas's bed with the headache gone and went downstairs

. the tavern was empty and there were voices outside and then meliodas walked in, i think it was to get some food because outside when he opened the door i saw the others having food around a fire 

"hey"i said

"o great your up! you feeling ok? you passed out going up the stairs and i had to run and catch you" meliodas said with a genuine smile on his face

"hey meli?" he stiffened up when i said the nickname "did i used to call you that?"

"ya, you did" he said with a monotone voice and his hair now covering his eyes

"i saw it. when i died and how i ended up at the orphanage" i said mirroring his expression and tone. i ran and hugged him tightly and said

"i don't ever want to do that again!" i yelled squeezing him tightly starting to tear up

"i missed you too" i heard meli say with a wobbling voice. we stayed there for a minute and just enjoyed each others embrace


ok i loved that chapter and it was amazing to write got to go play kahoot now, bye

985 words

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