chapter 9

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Y/n pov:

We finally go to domaly and we were sitting in dr. Dana's room, meliodas was in the bed and i was sitting in a chair Elizabeth in one to my left i was looking at meliodas's face and i got up and walked out of the room
"If your going to give him the poison do it now while i still have some sympathy"
I said, my eyes coverd by my h/l h/c hair
"How did you-" doctor dana tried to speek but i cut him off
"Just do it already. I'll get your daughter back for you. just dont trust the holy knights, there not what they seem"
I said. I somehow knew that he would be ok, not because it happened in the anime, i just. Knew. There's wierd feeling in me, like a saded anger and heartache at the same time it's...


I walked out to see diane, just the person i needed to talk too
"Hey diane?"
"Yah y/n? Whats up?" The giant girl replied giving a sad smile as she was worried about her captian (a/n: rip me putting my name instead of y/n)
"Do you want to start heading to baste prison? Bans there soooo" i said looking up at her
"Uh, yeah might as well can't really do anything foe the captain right now, heh." She said the last part scratching the back of her neck
"He'll be ok diane, i know it. im worried about him too" i said trying to comfort her

We were off to baste prison

*~☆timeskip to baste prison with diane☆~

I feel oddly comforted with her around, like I've known her forever or something
"I feel like I'm forgetting something hmmm"
I mumbled under my breath while walking throught baste with diane, the cold was made of cobblestone, hard and dry. The walls were made of slabs of stone it was dark other than the dull glow of the torches on the walls and we kept on walking through the darkly lit hallways there was a two way split so i said
"You go right i go left?"
"Hm" diane said nodding her head yes and we turned opposite directions and walked away from each other


I had been walking around baste prison for about 15 minutes and i heard really faint fighting
'I think thats the sins under the spell of not-so-holy knight ruin as i like to call the one's corrupted with power.

~☆timeskip bout' 15-20 mins☆~

I heard a commotion coming from kind of close behind me so i decided to start running in the opposite direction and came across a huge iron door thing and humming from inside

"Wait a sec, i remember this door" is said to myself, the humming stoped after i finished my statement. I froze not knowing if it was ban and if it was he wouldent kill me, it was completely silent, ban certainly would kill meliodas so why not me? Well he does have a motive for killing meliodas, but he might have one to kill me or just for the fun of it. I heard chains and things rattling on the unside of the wall then a
"Pleh"(idk how it spell it, its like when someone spits something out, that's the sound) and then
"Y/n!?" I knew that voice, it was BAN'S!
"Hey, y/n you there" i heard him call out again
"Y-yes in here" i hesitantly replyed back
"Ok stand back from the door im gunna break it down" he said as i walked to the side of the door
"K!" I yelled back, not even a second later i heard ban's foot make contact with the door and fall down. After a few seconds ban walked out and pulled out the spike things in him
"Hiya n/n~" ban said

omg omg omg im sosososososoooooooo sorry i havent been updating i got writers block for like a WEEK!? can you beleave it??? I cant so im rly sorry and it took me a while to get over the writers block soi have a good start point for next chapter and im cunna start that now, ALSO i have my end of year tests in like l, April also we just got the news of when the last day of school is and you won't believe it! (Ok you might or might not care but i still want to right it) it ends ON MY BIRTHDAY! GRRRAAAAA!!!! im so mas and some of you out there are probably like 'well that suckes to be you but my birthday is always on the last day of school' well thing it MY FRICKIN BIRTHDAY IS ON JUNE 10TH SO SCHOOL SHOULD HAVE ENDED LIKE 3 WEEKS BEFORE BUT NOOOOOO COVID IT GUNNA RUIN MY B-DAY PLANS!!!! anyways sorry for my horrible complaining 😅 aouthor-chan out

833 Words, that's alot

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