chapter 15

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a/n: so ill be trying to update more recently and that stuff so don't be too down and if you have ideas for this story then don't be afraid to comment or dm me. i will always take you guys comments and ideas in mind when im writing. anyways on to chapter 15

y/n pov:

i woke up from the flashback i was having with a slight tomato-face as i call it when im blushing

"yo! your up!" meli said with his signature smile and a happy tone

"that was really awkward" i said under my breath

"huh?" meli said now a confused look on his face

"the uh, memory i just had was when you first gave me this room"...

"o yea-" he was cut off by the realization of the situation "the others are waiting for us downstairs so you better hurry up" meli said changing the subject

"ok" i said about to get dressed

"here"meli handed me the tavern uniform

"are you serious?" i said with the 'are you kidding me' look on my face

"go get dressed" meli was pushing me out of the room into the bathroom

"fine" i said as i let out a sighing breath

i got changed and it was the same uniform that Elizabeth has

"no" i said to meli

"give me my other clothes"

"nope" he said now having a cheekish grin on his face. he then picked me up and carried me down the stairs, while he was doing so i had this nostalgic feeling but i shook it off

"hey n/n~" ban said

"morning lady y/n" Elizabeth said

"morning y/n *yawn*" king said, his voice still sleepy

"please just call me y/n Elizabeth" ii said so it wouldn't sound so formal

"o-OK" Elizabeth said with a shy voice

Elizabeth pov (ik some of you hate her but just read this part its important)

"make us some breakfast y/n!~" ban said his voice sounded tired

"ill give it a shot" y/n said going into the kitchen

"i wonder if y/n's cooking is better than sir meliodas" i questioned

"its the best cooking you'll ever taste" king said

"really?" i questioned questioned

"its even better than my cooking" ban said

"wow, y/n's cooking must be really amazing" i said astonished

"ya my n/n is the best at cooking" sir meliodas said

everyone looked at him and then at the kitchen but then all of the let out a sigh of relief when y/n didn't react to what they said

"you have to be more careful captain" ban said his voice now serious

"ya, i guess i do now" he said. i have no clue what there talking about but it seems like it has to do with y/n. lady Diane had woken up while the other had gone silent and she was looking in the tavern

"she remembers how she died" sir meliodas said looking at the ground they all had this sort of gloom over there heads and i was starting to get worried too.

y/n pov

i walked into the dining area of the tavern with a couple plates of food and a large piece of meat for Diane

"breakfast is-" i was cut off by this feel of dread in the room for a split second in the room before everyone looked up at me

"what?" i said, clueless

"nothing" meliodas said, his face in my skirt. but i had put on underwear

"awe,  your no fun y/n" meli said while i had a smirk on my face as i looked down at him

"too bad" he said holding my panties up and waving them around. i started to walk towards the table with meli on my feet as if im used to this. i knew what was happening next

"uh- oh" i said as i felt things start to go fuzzy. meli immediately saw what was going on and caught me

*in memory*

i saw meli in my boobs and my butt and crotch about a thousand times, the memory of him doing that. each and every one different. then they stopped on one moment when he was crying again and i was slipping into death. it was somewhere else. it looked like a giant forest and there was a very large white building in the back and meli had this strange green outfit on and a sword that looked like saw blades on both sides on the ground and there was fighting everywhere around us in the distance. fairy's flying, giants fighting, humans with powerful attacks and demons along with goddesses fighting. it blinked away in an instant.

*end of memory*

i woke up in meli's arms as is seemed like he was about to carry me up the stairs but i didn't open my eyes yet

"i wonder how long it'll take for her memories to come back?"

"ya 3000 years is a lot of time" meli mumbled under his breath

"hmm?" i said and he immediately put me down and i instantly felt like if i don't get food in me soon im going to die "fooooood" i said as i daisily walked over to the food on the table set for me

"well someones hungry" ban said

"ya? im not exactly immortal like you so i cant go that long with out food" i said shoving the food in my mouth "o my god its amazing"

"PFFFFFFFFTTTT!" ban spit out his drink and started laughing his head off then meli clonked him over the head with a mug

"what?" i said confused

"no-*laugh*-thi-*laugh* -ng" ban said

"so y/n? where have you been all this time?" king said

"ummm... its a long story" i said with a nervous laugh and scratching the back of my neck

"fire away. it cant be that long" ban said

"well you all know how i died, you were there and i had no clue up until two days ago. but i had showed up at an orphanage at the age of three and i had no memory at all. the people at the orphanage took me in and then at the age of 10 i ran away and got a job and a place to live and then i was going to school and met a friend named b/f/n (best friends name) and we were friends since my first day of school and then i started getting into anime. i watched one then went to bed with a headache and woke up in a field of grass about 20 yards away from the tavern. that's how i got here"

"wow" everyone said in unison, even Diane

"heh heh" i was scratching the back of my neck with a timid smile


i think this is the longest chapter Ive ever done. well, now you know that meli is still a perv and you are at least 3000 years old so have fun. byyyyee!

1152 words

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